

Canadian government leaders play housing politics games (Opinion)
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)
誓言将住房负担能力问题作为优先事宜,联邦政府在预算中推出了一系列措施,旨在控制炙手可热的住房市场。 但一项又一项的计划不可能对飙升的住房价格产生影响。 禁止那些成为房价飙升替罪羊的外国买家的政策无法解决根本问题。 同时,对首次购房者的激励措施会刺激市场需求并进一步推高房价。 预算推出的双倍住房建设计划会面临市政当局的巨大阻力,使其成为一个完全不切实际的目标。 而安省政府也加入了这场阻止房价升温的政治游戏。 其最近发布的住房战略计划将其住房可支付工作组提出的关键性建议,即终止安省大部分城市只准许在住宅区建造单户住宅的规定拒之门外。

在北约克失踪超两周 警方呼吁公众协助寻找一华裔男子

Vowing to make the housing affordability issue a priority, the federal government rolled out a series of measures in the budget to reign in the red-hot housing market. But one program after another seems unlikely to make a dent in the soaring housing cost. The policy banning foreign buyers – the scapegoat for the high prices—can barely resolve the fundamental problems. Meanwhile, the incentives for First-Time home buyers may stoke demand and push soaring housing prices further. The double housing construction plan is likely to face political pushback from municipalities, rendering it an unrealistic goal. The Ontario government has also come on board with the housing politics game. Its recently released housing strategy has rejected the task force’s key recommendation to tackle the issue – to end rules across swaths of Ontario cities that ban anything but single-family homes in a residential lot.

加国控制房价倡导者提出对房地产投资狂潮推高了住房需求,导致房价飙升的担忧,但联邦预算案对这一担忧置若罔闻。 根据加拿大统计局发布的数据,在 COVID-19 大流行期间,投资者的购房数量超过了首次购房者甚至重复购房者,以致多处置房者拥有的住宅量高达安省的 31% 。 尽管遏制市场投机行为的呼声不断高涨,但联邦预算给了大多数房地产投资者开了绿灯,只字未提增加对投资物业的首付的要求。 预算还重申了自由党的说辞,即“个体小商户房东”或以自我盈利的房地产投资者不是推高房价的黑手。

Meanwhile, the budget has failed to address the concern of affordable housing advocates that the real estate investment frenzy has driven up housing demand, contributing to soaring home prices. According to data released by Statistics Canada, home purchases by investors have outpaced those of first-time homebuyers or even repeat homebuyers during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in 31 percent of Ontario’s residential housing stock held by people who owned multiple properties. Despite the growing calls to curb market speculations, the federal budget gave many real estate investors a pass, staying clear of any changes to down-payment requirements on investment properties. The budget also repeated the Liberal Party message that “small, independent landlords,” or real estate investors who invest for themselves, did not drive up home prices.

不出所料,加国各级政府在遏制房价飙升的住房战略方面谈的多而干得少。 对政策制定者而言,高昂且不断上涨的房价的利大于弊。 为加国的三分之二的家庭拥有房产,为这样一个市场降温是一个不受欢迎,缺乏动力的举措,尤其是当政策制定者加入房产投资狂潮,拥有能带来丰厚投资回报的房屋资产时。

Unsurprisingly, governments would engage in more talks than actions on housing strategies. High and rising home prices seem to have far more beneficiaries than victims for the policymaker. To cool a market where two-thirds of Canadian families own property is an unpopular and disincentive move, particularly when the policymakers have joined the home investing frenzy, owning real estate assets that have brought lucrative investment returns.  

联邦部长们向联邦利益冲突专员提交的文件清楚地描绘了政府领导人在加拿大拥有投资物业的情况。 根据文件披露,39 位内阁部长中有 12 位(31%)拥有一栋或多栋被描述为用于“出租”或“投资”目的的房地产资产。负责实施政府承诺的解决住房负担能力的措施的住房部长艾哈迈德侯赛因(Ahmed Hussein)也是拥有出租房产的人之一。 不难推测,安省内阁部长中拥有投资房产者也大有人在。

Ministers’ filings with the federal conflict of interest commissioner have painted a clear picture of government leaders owning investment properties in Canada. According to the disclosures, 12 of the 39 cabinet ministers — 31 percent — hold one or more real estate assets described as being either for “rental” or “investment” purposes. Housing Minister Ahmed Hussein, tasked with implementing the government’s promised measures to tackle housing affordability, is among those who own a rental property. It is not a far-fetched assumption that investment property ownership is high among Ontario cabinet ministers.

住房专家认为,只有打破市政当局的繁文缛节,促使那些市府老爷放开限制,容许在独户住宅的专用区建造多户型住宅才是解决住房可负担问题的最直接和最有效的方式。 目前联邦和省政府这种消极,懒散的态度引发了人们对其是否真的有意控制房价的担忧。 当个人利益受到威胁时,谁都不再会有强烈的愿望帮助那些买不起住房的加国人士。

Housing experts believe that fighting municipalities’ red tape -- by pushing them to allow more construction of multiunit homes in the land exclusively reserved for single-family homes is the most effective and promising way to make housing affordable. The government’s lackadaisical response has raised concerns about whether it has genuine intentions to reign in home prices as it claimed. When personal interests are at stake, the desire to help out those priced out of the market may fade away.




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