

Opinion:Will voters take anger over expense scandals to the ballot box?
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)
加拿大人讨厌政治领导人支付纳税人钱财的优越感,而来自腐败现象更为猖獗的国家的新移民对政客们动用公款追求高档餐厅或奢侈享受则更是反感。 揭露涉及政治候选人滥用纳税人资金的丑闻对于民主进程至关重要,让选民能够对那些信誓旦旦称要代表他们利益的候选人的品行进行更严格的审视。 随着省选举日期的临近,媒体报道中披露的某些候选人的开支争议引发了公众的关注,并可能改变选民在投票箱中的决定。

温哥华一老人出门要爬102级台阶 法庭判业主委员会赔偿3.5万歧视费 并替老人建造有轨电梯

Canadians detest political leaders' sense of entitlement to taxpayers' money, and newcomers – from countries where corruption is more prevalent are more antipathetic to politicians dipping into the public purse for fancy restaurants or luxury entertainment. Exposing scandals involving political candidates abusing taxpayers' money is crucial for the democratic process, allowing voters to put those vowing to represent their interests under heightened scrutiny. As the provincial election drew near, a few candidates' expense controversies revealed by media reports raised public eyebrows and may shift voters' decisions at the ballot box.

据Global News报道,2013 年至 2018 年间,当作为自由党领袖的邓德华先生在省内阁任职时,他所在 的 Vaughan-Woodbridge 选区在牛排馆和高档餐厅花费了价值 $50,000 元的晚餐。 据透露,邓德华先生曾在多伦多的一些最高端餐厅用餐,自 2018 年以来,他在 Keg 消费了 14,434 元,并在沃恩、温莎和渥太华的其他豪华牛排馆用餐。 在此期间,德尔杜卡先生作为 MPP 和内阁部长的年收入在 130,000 至 165,0000 元之间。正如邓德华先生的自辩之言,虽然用餐成本可以作为合法的政治开支,但他用纳税人款项在高级餐厅的一贯做法已经让这位自由党领袖深陷争议。

The Global News reported that Steven Del Duca's Vaughan-Woodbridge riding had spent $50,000 worth of dinners at steakhouses and upscale restaurants between 2013 and 2018 when the Liberal Leader served in the provincial cabinet. It revealed Mr. Del dinned at some of the highest-end restaurants in Toronto — spending $14,434 at Keg since 2018 and eating at other ritzy steakhouses in Vaughan, Windsor, and Ottawa. During that period, Mr. Del Duca earned between $130,000 to $165,0000 per year as an MPP and cabinet minister. While food costs can be legitimate political expenses -- as Mr. Del Duca defended, his long pattern of spending at fine dining restaurants on taxpayers' dime has landed the Liberal leader in controversy.

除了 Del Duca 的高端餐饮外,Global News 还报道了涉及八名寻求连任的PC 党 的省议员消费丑闻。 根据该报告,包括前儿童、社区和社会服务部部长的 Lisa Macleod 在内的安大略省议员们在过去四年中,除了纳税人资助的工资外,还向选区协会报销了在托幼、娱乐和车辆等方面的支出。 据报告称,当谷北区 的省议员 柯文斌 是 8 名 保守党省议员中报销费用最高者,自 2018 年以来,他向选区协会报销了从用餐,食品和饮料到汽油、停车和汽车相关支出超过 54,717 元。 柯先生在一份中文声明中对此报道做出回应,指责Global News对他进行了毫无根据的恶意攻击。

Apart from the Del Duca's high-end dining, Global News also reported expense controversies involving eight PC party MPPs seeking reelection. According to the report, these Ontario PC candidates – including the former minister of Children, Community and Social Service Lisa Macleod, charged their riding association for childcare, entertainment, and vehicle costs over the past four years while receiving taxpayer-funded salaries. The report pointed out that Vincent Ke, the MPP for Don Valley North, was the biggest spender among the eight PC MPPS, who charged the riding association for over $54,717 since 2018, ranging in a variety of expenses from meals, food and drink to gas, parking, and auto-related costs. Mr. Ke responded to the report in a statement in Chinese, in which he accused the Global News of engaging in groundless, malicious attacks against him.  

加拿大选民对政客挥霍无度的不满的最佳体现非臭名昭著的 16 元橙汁丑闻莫属,该丑闻涉及哈珀政府的内阁部长贝夫·奥达 (Bev Oda)。 加通社所披露的她在 2012 年前往英国伦敦出差期间的开支,给这名从日裔社区中选出的第一名国会议员带来了灾难性的打击。 在选民的愤怒声浪中,奥达不得不进行道歉,并将其在超豪华的萨沃伊酒店、每天  $1000 元的梅赛德斯班车和 $16 元的一杯橙汁的费用原数退还纳税人。 这一消费丑闻给奥达的政治生涯画上了重重的句号,使她不得不在向渥太华的议会告别。

The infamous $16 orange juice scandal involving Bev Oda, the cabinet minister in Steven Harper's government, has best reflected Canadian voters' disapproval of politicians' extravagance on taxpayers' dime. The Canadian Press revelation of her expenses during her business trip to London, England, in 2012 dealt a catastrophic blow to the first MP elected from the Japanese community. Voters' outrage forced her to apologize and reimburse the taxpayers for the cost at the ultra-posh Savoy Hotel, the $1000/day Mercedes shuttle, and the $16 glass of orange juice. The scandal ended her political career, rendering her to bid the final farewell to parliament in Ottawa.

加拿大人是不会放过那些有权支付纳税人款项的政客们的消费丑闻的。 如果 16 美元的橙汁丑闻能让一位内阁部长丢了饭碗,那么近期的这场丑闻是否会让自由党党领邓德华先生毫发无损? 选民们会原谅那些给政府机构花销标准不断设置新高、并向纳税人报销数百倍于 16 美元橙汁费用的民选官员们,且不将他们的不满发泄在投票箱中吗?

Canadians would not dismiss expense scandals of those who have the privilege to access the public purse. If the $16 orange juice scandal cost a cabinet minister's job, would the Liberal leader Del Duca emerge from recent expense unscratched? Can we expect voters to forgive the elected officials who set a new high watermark for government excess, billing taxpayers for costs hundreds of times of $16 orange juices, and not to take their anger to the ballot box?


Meanwhile, don't discount the democratic qualities of the immigrant electorates, which remain vitally influential in Ontario swing ridings.




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