

Opinion: Stricter gun laws have stopped more violent crimes in countries like Japan and Canada
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜编译
用木块,金属管子和电子装置组装的自制枪,由用爆炸物精心制成子弹,杀害 日本前首相安倍晋三的工具却是自我制造的一把手枪。如果说安倍的死让全世界震惊,那么在这一残暴的暗杀事件中所使用的自制杀人工具更让人难以置信,凸显在一个拥有世界上最严格的枪支法律的国家里,犯罪份子要如何绞尽脑汁获得枪支。 与享有持枪自由,为多起大规模枪击案犯合法获取枪支铺平道路的美国不同,日本和包括加拿大等国家制定有更严格的枪支法规,为枪支犯罪分子获取谋杀凶器设置了重重障碍。

安省四个主要城市居民的收入中位数曝光 多伦多家庭收入比2015年跃升1万多
多伦多市政府招聘1.5万临时工 管理市选工作
贾宁扬脱口秀 2022-07-14 周四 我给生活“清贫”、“不能苦了孩子们”的邓聿文的一个忠告

A homemade gun assembled with pieces of wood, metal pipes and electronic components. Improvised ammunition made with DIY explosives. If the tragic death of the former Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe has stunned the world, the self-assembled weapon used in the brutal killing has struck many people in disbelief. It has revealed what a great length a criminal had to go to obtain the killing tool in a country with the strictest gun law in the world. Unlike the U.S., which enjoys firearm freedom – where most mass shooting murderers obtained their weapons legally, more stringent firearm regulations in Japan and countries like Canada have created more obstacles for gun criminals to acquire weapons to commit murder.

日本是枪支管制法规最严格的国家之一,它的禁枪令针对从突击步枪到手枪等各种枪支,使其枪支拥有率降也为全球最低。 严格的枪支法不仅限制日本私人拥枪,而且在黑市上也难以找到任何售枪痕迹,从而使枪支射手根本无处购枪。 虽然制造这种被称为“前膛炮”电动枪的材料在市场有售,但制造这种武器并非简单明了,一蹴而就,需要一定的专业技能,信念和决心。 此外玩弄具有杀伤力的炸药也颇具风险,弄不好会威胁造枪者的生命。

Japan is one of the countries with the stringiest gun control regulations. It bans all kinds of firearms, from assault rifles to handguns, bringing the firearm ownership rate to the lowest globally. The strict gun laws have not only erased private firearms from the country but also wiped out the traces of guns in the black market, leaving shooters to face an uphill battle to purchase a firearm. While materials for the electrically fired, muzzle-loading gun were available at most hardware stores, making the weapon requires much more expertise and dedication. It may have involved a long stretch of dangerous preparation as tinkering with the explosive posed life-threatening risks to the gun maker.

虽然加拿大的枪支限制比日本宽松得多,但它的控枪法律比美国严格的多。 加拿大不承认公民拥有持枪的宪章权利,并且对枪支管制有更严格的规定,这使得加拿大杀手们比起美国的同行要更费周折才能获得他们梦想的射杀武器。美国枪手可以大摇大摆走进商店,动动口舌就买到枪,而在加拿大的杀手想搞到枪支可没那么简单。有些恐怕要铤而走险,从事非法贩运,比如从美国走私。2020 年Nova Scotia 所发生的造成22 人死亡的大规模枪击事件的肇事者拥有的三把枪支就是从缅因州非法走私入境。

While Canada imposes much more relaxed gun restrictions than Japan, it has stricter gun laws than south of the border. Canada does not recognize gun rights and has regulations tightening the hold on firearms, leaving murderers in Canada jumping through a lot more hoops than their U.S. counterparts to acquire the desired shooting weapon. Instead of walking into a store and purchasing one legally, they may have to resort to illicit activities to make it happen– including smuggling them in from the U.S. The perpetrator of the 2020 mass shooting that killed 22 people in N.S. had smuggled three of his weapons from Maine.

曾大开杀戮后被警察击毙的N.S. 居民Gabriel Wortman在加拿大并未拥有持枪证。 但与加拿大新不伦瑞克接壤的边境小镇,缅因州的霍尔顿却成为了他滥杀无辜之武器的最佳来源地。 一位居住于这一美国小镇的老朋友将其中一把枪作为礼物赠送给他,他又从这位朋友家中拿了一把,后在参加镇上的枪展后以现金购买了一把狙击步枪。 但将这些枪支走私到加拿大需要更周密,复杂的计划和一定程度的冒险。 沃尔曼不得不用卡车的铝制后备箱的盖罩将枪包在其中,然后有意敞开 F-150 皮卡的后部,以分散边防官员的注意。

Gabriel Wortman, the N.S. resident who had committed the shooting rampage before being killed by the police, wasn't a licensed gun owner in Canada. But Houlton, Maine, a small town on the New Brunswick border, became his best source of the firearms used in the killing. He obtained one of the guns from a longtime friend as a gift, took another from his home, and purchased a high-powered rifle for cash after attending a gun show in town. But to smuggle firearms into Canada required more sophisticated planning and risk-taking. Worman wrapped the gun up in the aluminum tonneau cover of his truck and then intentionally left the back of the F-150 pickup open to distract the border officer's attention.

虽然严格的强制法律无法消除人类的残暴或阻止安倍谋杀案和Nova Scotia的大规模屠杀,但却大大降低了日本和加拿大等国家枪击案件的死亡人数以及枪支暴力的规模和频率。为个人获取武器设置障碍的严格的枪支法律的实施阻止了数千起在持枪自由国家内杀戮的发生,挽救了成千上万的包括学校儿童在内的无辜百姓的生命。

While firearm restrictions cannot erase human cruelty or wipe out like Abe’s assassination and N.S. mass murder, they have significantly reduced the severity and scale of gun violence and firearm deaths in countries like Japan and Canada. The tightening of gun laws setting barriers for individuals to access weapons has helped stop thousands of potential gun crimes that would take place in a firearm freedom country, saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people – including school children.




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