
The practice of consuming dog meat has ancient roots in China, dating back thousands of years. Traditionally, it was considered a source of warmth and vitality, especially in winter. This practice became more prevalent in specific regions, such as Guangdong, Guangxi, and Guizhou provinces, where it was viewed as a tonic food with supposed health benefits. However, to many in the Western world, the methods associated with this tradition seem cruel. Reports, particularly from events like the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, include accounts of dogs being kept in cramped, unsanitary conditions and transported for days without food or water. Slaughter methods often lack regulation, leading to inhumane deaths, which sharply contrast with Western perceptions of dogs as beloved pets.
近年来,全球范围内对动物福祉的关注日益提升,越来越多的人倡导善待动物。在许多国家的文化中,尤其在西方国家,狗不仅仅被视为是动物,而是被当作我们的家庭成员。狗狗们享受医疗保健,生活在室内,并因忠诚地陪伴主人而备受宠爱。具有这种观念习俗的人士对食用狗肉等行为当然无法接受,而玉林狗肉节也被认为极其野蛮残忍。显然,食用狗肉或将以残暴手段将其虐杀的习俗,与赋予狗狗们“荣誉人类”地位的西方文化存在着截然不同的激烈的冲突 。
In recent decades, there has been a significant global shift toward animal welfare, leading to increased awareness and advocacy for the humane treatment of animals. In many cultures, particularly in the West, dogs are no longer seen merely as animals but as integral family members. They receive medical care, live indoors, and are celebrated for their loyalty and companionship. This transformation in perception has fueled a strong backlash against practices like dog meat consumption, which many perceive as barbaric. The idea of eating dogs, or subjecting them to cruelty, clashes fundamentally with the view that they hold an "honorary human" status.
However, it is important to note that attitudes within China are changing as well. Especially in urban areas and among younger generations, there is a growing movement against the consumption of dog meat. Many Chinese citizens now keep dogs as pets and advocate for their rights. The practice is increasingly viewed as outdated, cruel, and inconsistent with modern values. Efforts by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have significantly contributed to this change. Campaigns against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, for example, have brought international attention to the issue, and animal rights activists have worked tirelessly to rescue dogs and promote more humane treatment. These efforts have led to a gradual decline in the practice. Although the Chinese government has not entirely banned the dog meat trade, it has ceased to officially sanction events like the Yulin Festival. Public pressure, both domestic and international, has resulted in a reduction in the number of dogs slaughtered at such events, indicating a shift in public perception.
在对狗狗态度不断转变的大趋势下,川普在近期的总统辩论中毫无根据的指控海地社区人士食用人类宠物狗和猫。这一指控不仅缺乏证据,而且还让被摈弃的仇外,排外偏见主意死灰复燃。历史上,这类虚假言论指控长期以来被用来煽动恐惧和分裂,将移民描绘成不文明或野蛮的群体。显然,川普这一指责海地族裔饮食习惯的不实之词,虽表面上直指海地社区,却伤及具有食用狗肉文化习俗的中国和其它亚裔社区, 并会进一步诋毁被边缘化社区的其它悠久文化传统。其言论极具危险性,将进一步边缘化和污名化移民,助长及酝酿敌对和潜在的暴力趋势。
Against this backdrop of evolving attitudes, Donald Trump recently made baseless accusations against the Haitian community, claiming they were eating dogs and cats. This not only lacks evidence but also revives old xenophobic stereotypes. Historically, such accusations have been used to incite fear and division, painting immigrants as uncivilized or barbaric. By invoking these tropes against Haitians, Trump follows a long-standing tradition of scapegoating marginalized communities through falsehoods about their dietary practices. "Although his accusation specifically targeted the Haitian community, it also indirectly implicated the cultural traditions of Chinese and other Asian communities, which have historical practices of consuming dog meat. This kind of rhetoric is particularly dangerous as it can lead to the marginalization and stigmatization of various immigrant groups, fostering an environment of hostility and potential violence.
Trump’s allegations risk inflaming racial tensions at a time when many communities are already on edge. They perpetuate a narrative that misleads the public and unjustly targets a specific group. The reality is that while dog meat consumption has historical roots in some cultures, including parts of China, it is not a universal practice among any one ethnic group, and its prevalence is diminishing. Trump’s baseless accusations not only misrepresent a community but also threaten to increase racial tension and division. In a diverse society, fostering understanding and respect is essential, especially when discussing cultural practices that differ from mainstream norms.