The security and benefits of credit unions are far more than you think
来源: Bob Mok

在上一篇文章中,我介绍了加拿大存款保险公司(Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation,简称CDIC,网址:cdic.ca)涵盖了加拿大银行的存款保险。要阅读那篇文章,请点击www.chinesenewsgroup.com/news/671591
In a previous article, I identified that Deposit Insurance for banks in Canada is covered by the CDIC (cdic.ca). Click here for details: www.chinesenewsgroup.com/news/671591
在安大略省,信用合作社的存款保险由安大略省的存款保险公司(Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario,简称DICO,网址dico.com)承保。 DICO的保险范围比CDIC的保险范围更广!
In Ontario, the deposit insurance for Credit Unions is covered by Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO) – (dico.com). The insurance coverage by DICO is more comprehensive than those insured by CDIC for banks!
While there are roughly 88 banks in Canada, there are more Credit Unions. There are 251 Credit Unions outside of the province of Quebec and 227 of them (known as caisses populaires) in Quebec. Today, there are over 70 independent credit unions in Ontario. Each one serves its members and the community.
So what are Credit Unions? A credit union is a financial cooperative that provides traditional banking services. Credit unions can be formed by large corporations, organizations, and other entities for their employees and members. They are created, owned, and operated by their participants. As such, they are not-for-profit enterprises that enjoy tax-exempt status.
Credit unions have fewer financial options than traditional banks and fewer branches, but offer clients access to better rates and more automated teller machines (ATM) locations because they are not publicly traded and only need to make enough money to continue daily operations.
In the Credit Unions business model, members pool their money—technically, they are buying shares in the cooperative—in order to be able to provide loans, regular deposit accounts, and other financial products and services to each other. Any income generated is used to fund projects and services that will benefit the community and the interests of its members as a non-profit organization.
In the past, membership in a credit union was limited to people who shared a "common bond": working in the same industry or for the same company, or living in the same community. Eventually, credit unions have loosened the restrictions on membership, allowing the general public to join.
As soon as you open an account in a Credit union, you become a member and partial owner. That means you participate in the union's affairs; you have a vote in determining the board of directors and decisions surrounding the union. A member’s voting ability is not based on how much money is in their account; each member gets an equal vote.
The Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO) is an Ontario Provincial Agency established under the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994. DICO’s role is to protect depositors of Ontario credit unions and caisses populaires from loss of their deposits. Deposit insurance is part of a comprehensive depositor protection program for all Ontario credit unions which is backed by provincial legislation. In Quebec and other provinces, they each have different deposit insurance coverages than Ontario under their own legislation.

Just like any other businesses, Credit unions can go out of business. It does not happen often, but it has and can happen. If your credit union goes out of business your insured deposits are protected up to $250,000 and unlimited for insurable deposits in registered accounts * (see below). If your deposits are not covered by deposit insurance there is a risk that you may lose them. Not all deposits are covered by DICO in Ontario – only Canadian dollar accounts and of the types below:
• Savings accounts and chequing accounts
• Term deposits including index-linked term deposits and GICs
• Money Orders, Certified Cheques and Drafts.
• Deposits held in one name
• Deposits held in more than one name
• Deposits held in trust
• Life Income Fund (LIF) *
• Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA) *
• Locked-in Retirement Income Fund (LRIF) *
• Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) *
• Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSP) *
• Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP) *
• Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) *
• Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) *
DICO does not insure any of the following:
• Member shares and investment shares issued by the credit union
• Mutual Funds
• Stocks, bonds and debentures
• Treasury Bills
• Foreign currency deposits
• Contents of safety deposit boxes
• Securities held for safekeeping
将信用合作社的存款与银行存款的安全性做比较,你可能会重新思考将放血汗钱存在何处的策略。合作社的“注册帐户”特别有吸引力。 DICO保险担保“注册帐户” 里的全部金额,且“注册账户”的种类高于银行。信用合作社还提供比银行更好的存款利率,因为合作社不必雇佣更多的员工和开分社的费用。
When we compare these insurable protections for Credit unions with those provided by the banks, it will make us rethink our strategies on depositing our hard-earned cash; especially with the “registered accounts”. The Credit union insurance from DICO covers the “entire amount” for more kinds of registered accounts than those offered by banks. Credit unions also offer better rate of return on deposits than banks as they do not have to pay for more staff and branches.
For those who have a lot of money invested in “registered accounts”, the choice is clear. For the rest of us, can we tolerate less personal services offered by the Credit unions? If not, then that may be the only reason to stay with the banks.