

Opinion: Freedom Convoy protestors cry for liberty but infringe on freedom of others
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)






Freedom Convoy protestors have poured into our national capital, occupying the city in rage. Lines of trucks circled on streets, blasting air horns that echoed miles away from Parliament Hill, declaring their demand for liberty and freedom from Covid restrictions. They disrupted the pandemic battered small businesses and intimidated senior residents, sending a message that they don't care about the lives of others –including the vulnerable and marginalized groups and that their freedom outweighs anything else. The protestors' behaviors have shown that they are not fighting for democratic rights and freedom but rather asserting their egocentric entitlement under the disguise of the freedom mantra.


疫情限制措施和疫苗接种规定挽救了数百万人的生命。 2020 6 月的一项研究表明,封城措施在11 个欧洲国家内降低了病毒的传播率,使数百万人避免了死亡的厄运。世卫组织的一项研究估计,Covid 19 疫苗接种明显地降低了整个欧洲地区 60 岁以上老年人的死亡率。但抗议者却要拒绝一切限制了他们的生活和自由的防疫措施,声称他们不能忍受那些大家都能忍受的防疫措施所造成的任何不便。抗议者的主张是将自身利益置于集体利益之上,将自己的自由置于他人之上。


Pandemic protocols and vaccination mandates have helped avoid millions of lives lost. A June 2020 study has shown that lockdown measures in 11 European countries had significantly reduced the infection's reproductive rate, saving millions of lives. A WHO research estimated that Covid 19 vaccinations dramatically lowered the death rates among the 60-year-old and older across the European region. Protestors demand to refuse public health rules that may curtail their livelihood and limit their freedom, claiming they could not endure the restrictive impacts like the rest of us do. They prioritize their self-interest over the common good of the public, putting their liberty above that of others.



The self-serving motives of the protestors were in full display when they harassed, assaulted, and intimidated a homeless shelter, demanding free food from the soup kitchen that served meals to the most disadvantaged group of people. The demand led to hours-long verbal altercations at the facility. At the height of the commotion, the protestors targeted innocent shelter users, pushing a mentally ill man against the truck. The reckless intrusion kept the shelter under siege over dinner, preventing the starved homeless people from using the service. The incidents highlighted the protestors' cold-heartedness and willingness to serve their self-interest at the expense of the most vulnerable people.


脸书上疯狂传送的一张显示一渥太华老妇站在一排慢慢行走的卡车面前拦住其去路的照片,将示威者“我的自由高于一切”的心态完全被暴露在镁光灯之下。大白天的喇叭叫嚣声,晚上的醉汉的喊叫声,居民阳台下小便,堵住了紧急出口的卡车,这一切激怒了当地居民,让他们忍无可忍。56 岁的玛丽卡·莫里斯和她的邻居站在占领了她们街区的车队前面,与车队司机持续了数分钟的对峙。但莫里斯女士的白发和居民的反抗都没有起到任何作用。冷酷、自私、自以为是的卡车司机仍开着卡车前行,在手无寸铁和倍感绝望的居民面前地盘旋,倍显其强加于自身的自由和权利。


The demonstrators' "my-freedom-above-all" mentality is under intense spotlights as a Facebook picture showing an Ottawa's Centertown resident standing in front of a line of moving trucks went viral online. The loud honking during the day, the drunk yelling at night, the defecating under residents' balconies, and the trucks blocking the emergency exit has angered the residents and that they've decided they had enough. 56-year old Marika Morris and her neighbors stood in front of the convoy that took over their neighborhood, engaging in a standoff that lasted a few minutes long. But neither Ms. Morris' grey hair nor the residents' defiant act made a difference. The callous, self-absorbed and narcissistic truck drivers kept circling, demonstrating their entitled freedom in front of the powerless and desperate residents.  




Overrunning malls and shops that forced many stores to shut down, uttering racists to threaten public safety, and defecating in public land and private property denied the business, consumers, and residents' freedom. The desecration of Canada's National Memorial highlighted the protestors' attempt to trample on the very freedom that they demanded and that generations of Canadians had fought for. Protestors rallied to cry for liberty, but their action has infringed on ordinary people's freedom crucial to our democratic fabric. They hijacked the freedom mantra to serve the interest of no one else but their own.




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