Propaganda and war often go hand in hand
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)

在普京向乌克兰宣战那时刻起,俄罗斯就将其宣传机器开足了马力,就俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之理由大肆编造不实之词。 普京在全国讲话中宣布称,向乌克兰派兵是一项规模有限的“特别军事行动”,目的是使乌克兰“非军事化”,以保护顿巴斯的公民免遭乌克兰发起的“种族灭绝”之灾难。 俄罗斯官方媒体随声符之,在一场大规模的虚假信息宣传战中,为入侵乌克兰寻找正当理由。俄媒 宣传之词先发制人,指责乌克兰武力入侵,并声称俄罗斯是与乌克兰新纳粹分子作战,同时指责北约和西方民主国家是制造双方冲突之罪魁。 事实是,战争离不开强大的宣传机器,每场战争都是在其发起者及其政府所开展的紧锣密鼓的宣传战的鼓动下打响的。
*安省保守党政府改变主意 不再计划废除《中医法》
*安省五大电力公司联合出告示 醒省民小心电费诈骗

Russia started its propaganda operation as Putin declared war against Ukraine, spinning false narratives around the reasons for invading Ukraine. In his national address, Putin announced a limited "special military operation" to "demilitarize" Ukraine to protect citizens in Donbas from Ukraine genocide. Russian state media followed Putin's narratives, waging a disinformation and propaganda campaign seeking justification for the invasion. It accused Ukraine of aggression, claiming to fight against neo-Nazis in Ukraine while blaming NATO and the Western democracy for causing the conflicts. Propaganda is a large-scale part of every war, waged by the government, the top leader, and the media.
19 年前发动了对伊拉克的战争的美国前总统乔治·布什,也曾动用宣传工具为其入侵伊拉克寻找正当理由。 布什在派兵数日前的一次演讲声称,根据可靠的情报,伊拉克政权拥有并藏匿了有史以来最具杀伤力之武器,并说侯赛因“训练和窝藏了恐怖分子,甚至包括基地组织的成员”。 布什政府将侯赛因妖魔化的的宣传运动及其向伊拉克发起的反恐战争造成了极恶劣的影响,它导致十万多人死亡及近 2 万亿美元的国内经济损失。更讽刺的是,布什使用的战争宣传伎俩也恶名在外,而“大规模杀伤性武器”(WMDS)一词也一跃成为战争虚假宣传的代名词。

Former U.S. President George Bush started a war on Iraq nineteen years ago, seeking justification through a sophisticated propaganda campaign. In a speech days before the invasion, Bush claimed that the intelligence had convinced him that the Iraq regime possessed and concealed the most lethal weapons ever devised, adding Hussein "trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al-Qaeda". Bush administration's notorious campaign to demonize Hussein and its War on Terror has left a deadly legacy. It killed over a hundred-thousand people, wiped out nearly 2 trillion dollars from the economy, and more ironically, made WMDs the archetype of a classic propaganda campaign.
"Resist America, Aid Korea" movement underscored the Chinese government's propaganda efforts in the Korean War – one of the most destructive conflicts in the modern era. Beijing's official perspective tried to cover up the origins of the war – North Korea by implying that the U.S. started the conflict and tried to attack China. It sold the war to Chinese people as a patriotic obligation to aid its North Korean comrades in the face of provocative U.S. aggression, claiming it as one of "justice wars" as "the U.S. attempts to conquer the world."

Seventy years later, the propaganda still serves the authorities' political purpose, used to mobilize the nation to remember China's triumph against American provocation. As the contemporary tension between the U.S. and China escalated, the regime tapped into the historical moment to inflame a national fever against Western imperialism as war exhibitions, veterans' testimonies, and state media editorials pitting Chinese people against a "superior foe" spread across the country.
将俄罗斯入侵乌克兰描述为一场对西方发动的战争,普京那篇激情澎湃的讲演在中国引起了听众的强烈共鸣,其与中国正在掀起的反美爱国主义浪潮一拍即合,激发了广泛而强烈的亲俄、支持普京、拥护战争的热情,使这位冷酷无情的俄罗斯独裁者在中国社交媒体上博得高声喝彩,获得广泛的拥护和赞赏。 他的讲演中文版在网上迅速走红,24 小时内微博浏览量达到 11 亿次。一位中国网民写道:“普京实在太伟大了……他是前苏联政权的最佳继承人,也是本世纪最伟大的战略家!” 另一位中国网民张贴称:“他的演讲让我感动得热泪盈眶!” 在全球一致声讨,谴责俄罗斯领导人所犯下的滔天战争罪行之际,大批的曾屡次受到专制政权的谎言欺骗的中国老百姓却又一次沦为专制宣传机的可怜牺牲品。

Putin's speech portraying Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a war waged against the West resonated deeply with the Chinese audience. It dovetails with Beijing’s anti-America narrative, sparking a high pro-Russia, pro-Putin and pro-war enthusiasm. The ruthless Russian dictator has gained loud cheers and applause on Chinese social media. The Chinese translation of the speech went viral instantly on the internet, getting 1.1 billion views on Weibo within 24 hours. "Putin the Great…… He is the best legacy of the former Soviet Union and the greatest strategist of this century," posted a Chinese internet user. "This is an exemplary speech of war mobilization… His speech moved me to tears," posted others. When the world overwhelmingly condemned the Russian leader's inhumanity and criminal action, the Russian regime's propaganda has successfully deceived those repeatedly victimized by their governments' lies.
