
中国清零 陷入僵局 老百姓苦不堪言(观点 中英对照)

Opinion: China’s zero covid traps citizens in ongoing disaster
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
随着 Omicron 变体的激增,坚持动态零政策使中国面临越来越大的压力,已很难持续下去。 残酷封锁、无休止的隔离、持续的大规模核酸以及旅行限制等严厉的零新冠政策让老百姓身心疲惫,苦不堪言,并引发了一系列的抗争行动。但立即结束清零也会造成严重后果。中国当局缺乏对病毒大量传播的有效应对准备。不但其疫苗接种运动规模不足,当局为了有效推行清零而散布的新冠恐慌为其抗疫方针转向并像其他国家一样与新冠共存而设置了严重障碍。


Clinging to the dynamic zero policy seems unsustainable, putting China under severe strain as Omicron surges. The draconian zero covid policies that required brutal lockdowns, endless quarantines, continuous mass testing, and travel restrictions sparked the most defiant actions from an increasingly fed-up and exhausted public. But plans to exit from the Covid zero policy have proven equally devastating. China lacks preparation for a Covid surge. Apart from a patchy vaccine campaign,  the authorities’ fear-mongering strategies to justify its stringent measures set significant roadblocks for the country to join the rest of the world to live with the virus.

中国的零疫情战略对经济和社会造成了沉重打击,使数亿人精疲力竭,日常生活陷入瘫痪, 一些地区的居民面临长达四个月的居家隔离。 上周四在乌鲁木齐发生的火灾造成的死亡,是长期被压抑的,由三年疫情封控和限制造成的愤怒和不满的导火索。 人们普遍认为,在大火燃烧之际,受害者被活活烧死在被封闭的大楼单元之中,这让许多在家中隔离期间曾生活在火灾隐患中,大门被拉上电网或被封死,紧急出口被设路障的人们感到极度震撼和不安。 在政府镇压和濒临城下的警察面前,至少在上海、北京和武汉等八个主要城市爆发了抗议活动。 抗议者要求结束疫情限制,并高呼“我们要自由!”

China’s zero covid strategies have taken a heavy toll on the economy and society, exhausting people and crippling daily life for hundreds of millions. Residents in some areas face confinement at home for up to four months. The deaths from Thursday’s fire in Urumqi have let loose the pent-up anger and long-buried grievances caused by the three years of pandemic restrictions. The widespread belief of the victims sealed in their burning building had rattled many who had experienced living with fire hazards while under quarantine at home, with their doors wired or wielded shut or emergency exits blockaded. Protests have erupted in at least eight major cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, and Wuhan, despite the government crackdowns and the heavy presence of the police force. They demanded to end the pandemic restrictions and chanted, “We want freedom!”

但结束清零政策也非易如反掌。许多老百姓对病毒产生了普遍恐惧感, 以至于人们对稍有松动的开放措施都深感恐慌。中国政府一向利用散布对病毒的恐慌来推行严厉封控政策,目的是能轻而易举地让老百姓就范,自觉遵守严酷的防疫规定并对残忍的封控手段逆来顺受。中国政府经常夸大 新冠病毒 的严重性和死亡率。 尽管其研究表明与 Omicron 变体的风险较低,但当局继续将冠状病毒描绘成洪水猛兽,无情杀手,并通过大肆宣扬美国的高死亡人数以恐吓民众并为其严厉的控制措施寻找借口。

However, there seems to be no easy exit from Zero-Covid. A pervasive fear of the virus has gripped large swaths of the public, leading to panic reactions to any steps away from Covid-zero policies. Fear mongering has become Beijing’s most compelling strategy to enforce the draconian control measures, paving the way for its citizens to voluntarily comply with the sweeping rules and put up with abusive policies. The Chinese government has exaggerated the Covid severity and mortality rate. Although its studies showed the low risks associated with the Omicron variant, the authorities have continued to paint coronavirus as a ruthless killer like the flood and monster, enthusiastically reporting the high US death tolls to intimidate the population and justify its harsh control measures.

与此同时,中国不愿放弃清零而采用更有效的疫苗接种的防疫策略,导致其人口难以抵挡新冠病毒浪潮袭击,使数十万人面临死亡风险。 60 岁及以上人群中约有 14% 和,80 岁以上老年人口中约有 34.2% 缺乏足够的疫苗保护,导致数千万老年人在新冠疫情激增期间几乎得不到足够免疫,进一步加剧了公众的恐慌情绪。 在11月初有传言称石家庄成为重新开放的试点城市后,感染率激增。对被感染的恐惧感迫该市 1100 万人口中的许多人实施自我限制措施。 他们停止送孩子上学,在家自我隔离,并对取消大规模检测感到不安。一位女士向彭博社表示:“如果不进行检测,我们就无法识别附近的阳性病例,也无法避免与他们密接”。

Meanwhile, China’s reluctance to shift from zero covid policies to a more effective vaccination strategy has left its population vulnerable to a significant covid wave, risking a death toll of hundreds of thousands. About 14% of those 60s and over and 34.2% of those over 80s lack sufficient protection from vaccines, leaving the tens of millions of senior citizens with little protection amid Covid surges, fueling further public jittery. After rumors circulated in early Nov. that Shijiazhuang became a test case for reopening, infections soared to a record high. The fear of infection drove many of the city’s 11 million people to create self-imposed restrictions. They stopped sending children to school, self-isolated at home, and worried about canceling the mass testing. “Without testing, we can’t identify the positive cases in the neighborhood and avoid close contact with them,” a woman told Bloomberg News.

中国的零疫情政策陷入了死胡同和自己制造的陷阱。 其最高领导人为了在党的领导层中追求绝对的领导权,拒不体恤民愿,一味坚持错误抗疫方针。 然而,面临临危机和灾难的却是无辜的中国老百姓,他们不得不在残忍,暴虐的专制政府手下历经恐惧,饱受痛苦和磨难。

China’s zero-covid response is at a dead end, caught in the trap of its own making. The top leader has made an unwavering commitment to the failing policy as he pursues unshakable dominance in the party’s leadership. The Chinese people have faced an ongoing crisis and disaster, suffering greatly at the hands of their dictator’s tyranny and mercilessness.




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