

Contribution: Mom’s final days make me grapple with a mind-boggling question
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
我的母亲活着时患有疾病焦虑症, 常常是一点点身体不舒服就会让她精神恐慌,担心自己患上了像癌症这类不治之症。在她和我居住多伦多这三十年时间里,我陪她做过的医疗检查不知多少次,每次都是因为她因一点点小病痛就让她焦虑不安,夜不能寐。虽然每次检查结果都让她松了一口气,但却不断增加我的担忧,即一旦有一天癌症真的找上门来,她对疾病的焦虑会让她比一般癌症病人遭受更大的精神痛苦。

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My mother suffered from a health anxiety disorder when she was alive. Even a slightly abnormal physical condition would trigger her panic thoughts about the worst outcomes, such as cancer. Over the thirty years that she lived with me in Toronto, I accompanied her to numerous medical tests as her bouts of anxiety, brought on by some minor pain, gripped her and left her unable to sleep peacefully at night. While each medical exam cleared her concerns, it amplified my worries that her mental disorder would cause her far more distress than an average cancer patient if cancer indeed struck her one day.

那一天在妈妈91岁时还是到来了。 在今天一月她因摔坏了腿而不得不卧床,胸部X光片显示她肺部患有肿块。我们实在无法忍受眼睁睁地看她在摔倒后还要面临罹患癌症这一噩耗,因此决定不再进行进一步检查并对她隐瞒病情。但妈妈还是觉察到了大事不妙,她开始不停的咳嗽,并呼吸困难。一天深夜救护车在疾呼声中把她带到医院急诊室,而更坏的消息接踵而至。CT扫描显示她的肺癌发展迅速,已转移到了呼吸道,不仅使她左肺被完全堵塞,同时气管也因癌肿而狭窄。医生告诉我说:“她活不了多久了,且由于疾病的折磨,她剩下的日子会非常痛苦。”

And that day eventually came when she was 91. A chest X-ray revealed a tumor in her lung after a bad fall in January that left her bedridden. We cringed at the prospect of her struggling to recover from the fall while facing the distress caused by terminal illness. Worried and intimidated, we decided not to pursue further tests for diagnosis and chose to keep the news from her. But mom sensed something was wrong, as she began coughing incessantly and experiencing difficulty breathing. A late-night visit to the emergency room led to even more devastating news. A CT scan showed the cancer in her lung had aggressively progressed and spread to her airway, causing her left lung to be blocked while severely narrowing her windpipe. The doctor told me: “She won’t have much time left, and her cancer could make her last days extremely painful.”


The doctors’ words terrified me, heightening my fear over her mental ability to cope. Despite my effort to hide the test results and the doctor’s prognoses from her, my swollen eyes gave it away. After a brief expression of shock and sadness, she surprisingly reacted with rationality and composure. While people would move through four phases after finding out about their terminal illness – denial, anger, depression, and acceptance, Mom seemed to enter acceptance directly and very quickly. “Let’s go home,” she said calmly to me. “I want to die in the arms of my loved ones, not on the cold bed of the hospital.”


Mom died three days after the hospital visit, too soon for me to have deep conversations with her. With the help of an oxygen tank and very light doses of hydromorphone to relieve pain, she showed no sign of physical or mental distress and passed away peacefully in her sleep. The night before leaving us, Mom enjoyed a large meal, listened to the conversations among my adult children after dinner with delight, and helped me sew a rip in my pants, despite struggling with coughing and labored breathing. Contrary to what I had anticipated, she experienced a good death, much better than most patients with a severe terminal illness. “Your mother was spared from the nightmare death scenarios likely brought by her illness,” Dr. Paterson, her palliative doctor, told me with contentment during his visit right after Mom’s passing. “I consider today one of the best days in my 50 years of career.”


Mom’s good death has brought me tremendous comfort, sparing me from the dramatic outcome I dreaded. Since Mom’s passing, I’ve been gripped by a mind-boggling question as I grappled with her loss: How could she accept her fate so calmly and come to terms with the end-of-life journey with such grace? It has especially baffled me, given her previous conditions of health anxiety and the history of psychological distress over any minor physical discomfort.

也许我过于关注她的焦虑症却忽略她性格中的顽强和隐忍一面,以及她那种能从容走出任何困境的惊人能力。 妈的一生经历了诸多磨难,从幼年丧父的悲痛,到文革挨整,再到晚年早期痛失我的父亲。但是不论处境多遭,环境多恶劣,她总能找到自身的力量战胜厄运,振作起来,继续前行。

Perhaps I was too focused on her anxiety but overlooked her incredible strength and resilience – her remarkable ability to bounce back from all adversities. She faced numerous hardships throughout her life -- from losing her father as a child to enduring the terror of the Cultural Revolution to the painful loss of my father in her early senior years. However, she could always find strength and put difficulties behind her, pulling herself together and pressing on.


Mom had a loving and loyal heart, always caring deeply for her friends and loved ones, especially those in her inner circle – from my family and sister nearby to her niece and nephews in China. Mom’s character strength, love, and compassion got amply rewarded after she fell ill. The outpouring of care and support from family, friends, and relatives was overwhelming, and the care and assistance from Canadian hospitals, doctors, and nurses were beyond words.


Perhaps all these factors significantly alleviated her anxiety and fears, allowing her to face her last days with grace and acceptance. The peace and composure she maintained in the final moment of her life reflected her immense internal satisfaction and comfort, underscoring the differences made by resilience, love, and human connection. These qualities made a seemingly devastating final life journey much smoother and less painful.  




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