

Markham Citizens for Responsive Government celebrates second anniversary this month
来源: Bob Mok

三月标志着万锦市民问责市府大联盟 [下称:大联盟](Markham Citizens Coalition for Responsive Government - MCCRG )成立的第二个周年。

March marks the second anniversary for MCCRG Markham Citizens for Responsive Government.


The Markham Citizens Coalition for Responsive Government (MCCRG) is a grassroots organization of citizens from all parts of Markham.  It was establishedin March 2013 because of widespread public opposition to the City borrowing $325 million to build the proposed Markham Arena.  Starting with six (6) founding Directors, it has grown to an organization with over one hundred and twenty (120) registered members. Its current Chinese Directors are Jim Kwan and Robert Mok.


MCCRG strives to create a more democratic and more responsive model of municipal government for our City.


MCCRG was extremely busy in 2013 working in opposition to the Markham Arena and in 2014 focusing on the municipal election. In spite of that, MCCRG has worked on many other issues as identified below:

1)溜冰体育馆 - 击败财政框架。
7)保护野生动物,维护对German Mills Meadow的自然栖息地,保护和维护Settlers' Park定居者的物业, 控制其下沉状况。
15)支持省议会为反SLAPP立法。(SLAPP = 为针对公众参与而兴讼的战略诉讼)

1)    Arena - Defeat Financial Framework.
2)    Release of Arena Consultants Reports.
3)    To support and participate in the 2014 municipal election process.
4)    Promoting 'All Candidates Meetings'.
5)    To endorse candidates for Markham Council.
6)    To help residents with long-standing deficiencies in the development of Cathedraltown.
7)    To protect wildlife and preserve natural habitat on the German Mills Meadow and protect and preserve Settlers' Park residents' properties from subsidence.
8)To assist local businesses with the problems surrounding repeated flooding in the Woodbine-Steelcase Business District in Ward 8.
9) To establish the principle of city responsibility for city-wide upgrades to stormwater sewer and flood control infrastructure and for associated costs, and to ensure that Council chooses the least expensive billing system possible.
10)Obtaining reliable and sustainable funding for stormsewer remediation and          flood control work.
11)To open up the operations of Markham District Energy to public scrutiny.
12)To review the Reporting System for Councillor Expenses after noticing anomalies.
13)To Review the Employee Service Award Program.
14)Reinstatement of the position of Auditor General.
15)To support Anti-SLAPP legislation at Queen's Park. (SLAPP = Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation)


For details of MCCRG activities over the past two years, visit their web site at www.MCCRG.ca.




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