誓言多对抗中国影响的特鲁多应立即公布接受中国贿赂的11名候选人名单(观点 中英对照)
加国情报局的简报显示,在 2019 年大选期间,中国驻多伦多领事馆通过一名安省议员和一名多伦多商人向 11 个选区的候选偷偷提供了 25 万加元款项。这一信息将外国政府阴险干涉加拿大民主的行径暴露无遗,也将中国干涉加国选举惊人现实推向新高。同时,加拿大间谍机构的指控还将渥太化对外国干涉所采取的听之任之的漠视态度置于镁光灯下。
多伦多一52岁华人男子在地铁上用冰镐砍人 导致致一死一伤 被控一级谋杀和谋杀未遂
CSIS briefing revealed that the Chinese consulate in Toronto had funneled – via a member of the Ontario legislature and a local businessman – $250,000 to candidates in 11 ridings during the 2019 election. The revelation reflected a foreign government's most insidious act of meddling with Canada's democracy, pushing the alleged Chinese influence in Canada to an alarming level. The spy agency's allegation has also put Ottawa's inaction under heightened scrutiny.
情报局在 2022 年初向加国国会议员发布简讯,提请所有主要政党的议员和参议员警惕中国政府通过采取从勒索到贿赂等秘密和欺骗性手段所进行的干涉行动。情报局已经多次发现加拿大政客被中国政府所控制。情报局亚太区前负责人 Michel Juneau-Katsuya 在 8 月向下议院道德委员会表示,许多加拿大政客都秘密地在拿中国政府的钱。“各级民选官员,无论是市级、省级还是联邦级,都有从外国政府领取报酬者,其行为不代表加拿大的利益。”
CSIS briefed parliamentarians in early 2022, raising awareness among M.P.s and senators from all major parties about China's clandestine or deceptive meddling strategies, from blackmail to bribes. The agency has made multiple discoveries about Canadian politicians subjected to China's influence operations. Michel Juneau-Katsuya, former chief of the Asia-Pacific desk at CSIS, told the Commons ethics committee in Aug. that numerous Canadian politicians were secretly on China's payroll. "There are elected officials at all levels, whether it's municipal, provincial or federal, who are being paid by foreign governments and who are not necessarily acting in the interests of Canada."
但这些警告却被置若罔闻。日益猖獗的中国影响力行动将越来越多的各党民选官员纳入旗下,而加拿大政治领导人似乎满足于袖手旁观,漠然视之。渥太华是否调查过 CSIS 的指控?如果调查了,结果如何?加拿大人士需要明了哪些政客在中国的工资单上,他们从中国政府那里拿了多少钱,以及他们到底为促进外国政府利益做了些什么。
These warnings seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. The Canadian political leaders were content to sit on its hand as China's influence operations turned more aggressive, recruiting a growing number of elected officials across all political spectrums. Has Ottawa ever probed into the CSIS allegations, and if so, what were the outcomes? The Canadians need to know who the politicians were on China's payroll, how much money they took from China, and what they have done to advance the interest of a foreign government.
The Trudeau government has faced the criticism that it has barely made any effort to deter foreign interference and hold those responsible to account. He did not revive Kenny Chiu's foreign registry bill, which would ensure transparency about those acting on behalf of foreign interests in Canada. Nor did he introduce comprehensive foreign interference legislation like the U.K. or adopt a law to criminalize the act of foreign meddling following the lead of Australia and the U.S. The U.K. National Security Act passed early this year increased the penalty for foreign influence. Meanwhile, under the U.S. Federal Election Campaign Act, U.S. officials violating the law may face civil fines or criminal prosecution.
在越来越大的舆论压力下,特鲁多采取政治宣传手段在印度尼西亚G20峰会期间曾亲自向习近平提出中国影响力问题。特鲁多此举风声大雨点小,表面闹得沸沸扬扬,但缺乏实质举措。加拿大民众要求渥太华采取具体行动,而不是空谈。如果特鲁多真有诚意对付中国影响并与独裁政权对峙,他必须展现出保护选举免受中国干涉的勇气。他必须就中国政府为加国竞选活动秘送资金之举进行实质反击,即查明在 2019 年大选中接受中国资金的11名候选人。
Under mounting public pressure, Trudeau tapped into the strategy of political marketing by raising the issue of China's influence with Xi during the G20 summit in Indonesia. His action made a great deal of noise but lacked substance, and the Canadian public demanded concrete actions from Ottawa rather than empty rhetoric. If Trudeau takes China's influence seriously and wants to stand up to the authoritarian regime, he must demonstrate the courage to defend our elections from Chinese interference. He must act on Beijing's covert operations that funneled money to our election campaigns, identifying the 11 candidates who accepted secret funds from Beijing in the 2019 election.
克雷蒂安的特别助理沃伦·金塞拉(Warren Kinsella)在多伦多太阳报的专栏文章中称:“这个国家所谓总理贾斯汀·特鲁多知道候这些选人是谁……但他和他的办公室却都就此三缄其口”......”特鲁多政府必须向我们公布这些人的名单。”
"Justin Trudeau, who is ostensibly the Prime Minister of this country, knows who the candidates were," wrote Warren Kinsella, a special assistant to Jean Chretien, in his op-ed in Toronto Sun. "But neither he nor his office will say anything about it… The Trudeau government must name the names now."