

Release of Markham Arena Reports stymied by Privacy law
来源: Bob Mok

追求万锦市体育馆项目的透明化的万锦居民,一直努力寻求市府公开体育馆顾问报告。但万锦市长和市议员以商业机密和保密性为由,断然拒绝公众的要求。Bob Mok在其评论文章中指出,市府隐瞒相关报告的理由根本经不起公众质询与挑战。

Markham’s residents seek transparency on city’s  Arena  project, and demand the city to release the Arena consultants’ report.  But the public demand are squarely rejected by the mayor and city councillors, citing trade secrets and confidentiality. But Bob Mok writes in his op-ed that the city’s reasons for hiding the reports are unable to stand up to the public scrutiny. 


The Markham City Council meeting on Feb 10, 2015 attended by over 100 residents eagerly awaiting a resolution to the release of the $726,000 worth of Arena consultants’ reports turned into a farce.


Almost two years ago and at the height of the Arena debate, the “Release of arena reports” motion was first deferred then transferred to in-camera sessions to seek a “second opinion” behind public eyes. The results of this deferment faded away along with the “ARENA” word and never to be uttered again in public.


The Mayor and the City solicitor’s collective intransigence on the release of these documents are baffling, given the inevitability and possible calamity of further onslaught from the residents.


Let us look into the twin arguments of “Trade Secrets” and “Confidential Information”. “Trade Secrets” is what Coca Cola used to keep its formula away from competitors since “Patent protection” only last 20 years. Maybe the remote connection to these reports is that an Arena will have some Coke machines installed on its premises?

如果透露信息者或第三方公开相关信息,“机密信息”就不再具保密性。有一种观点认为内幕人士不应该通过不当公开信息摆脱其保密义务, 而另一种观点则认为一旦有信息外泄保密义务就彻底消失。鉴于市长及其手下曾此前经精挑细选而披露相关报告中的部分信息,而现在又根据市府律师的建议以“机密信息”为由拒绝公开相关报告,那么上述普遍原则是不是并不可应用其身呢?

“Confidential Information” may stop to be confidential if it is later publicly disclosed by the confider or a third party. One view is that the confidant should not be able to relieve itself of the duty of confidentiality by wrongfully making the information publicly known. Another view is that an obligation not to disclose is broken for all when the bird has flown. So, does this not apply to the Mayor and his staff when they cherry-picked and disclosed information from the subject reports earlier on and are now hiding behind the shield of “Confidential Information” as recommended by the City Solicitor?


One speculation for this resistance to release is that details and recommendations on strategic approaches to negotiations were included in these reports and they will trigger law suits once revealed to the public and/or the arena promoter. The only other possibility is that the public was misled all along for two full years and that misinformation was communicated and dissimulated to the residents.


There are many reports so those parts that are not required by law to be kept confidential should be released and those with legal opinions between the City and its solicitor(s) should be redacted where applicable.


Is there nothing a redaction will not accomplish? Are we saying that these arena reports are more secretive than the Project Blue Book files on UFO’s in the United States which carried more national security concerns and religious implications? Even those files were released by Free of Information Act after redactions!


In the October 2013 arena survey, 10356 out of 10763 respondents (96.2%) demanded the arena reports paid for by tax dollars to be made public.


The meeting started off with around ten (10) residents giving deputations on this matter and they were all supporting the release motion. There was an atmosphere that a major of Council members were readied to finally release the reports since the arena project has officially “expired” last June.

然而在市府书记长(Kimberly Kitteringham)对《市资讯自由和隐私保护法》(MFIPPA)介绍后,市长裁定公开相关报告的动议“有违规则”。期间市府律师康拉德也就此问题进行了长时间论述,在此之前康拉德已将市议员雷亚在未当选市议员前提出的两宗引人注目的上诉提交信息和隐私专员(IPC)。雷亚早在两年前就开始申请公开相关报告,但信息和隐私专员至今仍未作出最终决定。

Instead, the Mayor ruled the motion to release these reports “Out of order” after a presentation from the City Clerk (Kimberly Kitteringham) on the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act (MFIPPA). There were lengthy discussions with the city solicitor Catherine Conrad who passed the responsibility onto the information and privacy commissioner (IPC) on two outstanding appeals that were made by Councillor Karen Rea before she became a member of council.  The application by Councillor Rea started two years ago and a final decision has still not been rendered by the IPC.


The taxpayers paid for these reports and they have a right to know of their contents. This is a chance for the City to demonstrate its transparency to the residents after all the damages done during the previous effort to promote the Arena project when it was shrouded in secrecy. The opportunity for a reconciliation process was missed. Many resident left with cries of “shame, shame, shame” as they departed the Council chamber. We have not seen the end of this issue.

但是在两年前有关兴建体育馆建议的辩论达到白热化时,同样的“公开体育馆报告”动议并未被裁定“有违规则”。而当时的主事者和现在一样,仍是市长、市府律师和是书记长,那么究竟是什么发生了变化?如果他们当时不知道《市资讯自由和隐私保护法》的规定,那么就不难断定他们的不称职。如果他们知道相关规定,那么为什么当时没有阻止相关动议并裁定其“有违规则”? 这还是留待各位读者自行判断吧!

The same “release the arena reports” motion was tabled two years ago at the height of the Arena proposal debate and was not ruled “Out of Order”. The controlling players were the same – the Mayor, the City Solicitor, and the City Clerk so what has changed? If they were not aware of the MFIPPA requirements then, it would infer that there may be an element of incompetence. If they were aware of it, then why did they not stop that motion and rule it “Out of Order”? I will let the readers come to their own conclusions.



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