

Watch as a Battle for a Parking Spot Gets Ugly
本周末在Costco in Mississauga停车场为一停车位两家父母大打出手。当一名穿红衣妇女打开小孩子乘坐的另一家汽车后车门,欲对孩子威胁恐吓之际,该场本初为口角之战的争斗立即升级,卷入武力动粗。一场本能驱使下的全方位角斗在两个家庭中激烈展开。经报警后没有人遭刑事指控。
Two families out for a weekend of shopping at a Costco in Mississauga go ballistic as a battle for a parking spot boils over. What started as a verbal battle turns ugly quickly as the lady in the red shirt opens the rear door of the other family’s car with a young child in it, appearing to taunt the child. The parents of the young child go primal and an all out bloody brawl ensues between the two families. Police were called but no charges were laid. 



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