Is your money safe in Canadian banks?
来源: Bob Mok

Over the years, I was asked to explain the banking systems in Canada by many new immigrants. They were concerned about the banks' viability and the security of their deposits in them. All this came about from their experiences in Asian countries, and all the stories about the collapsing of many banks in USA.
In 2018, a survey of 157 countries identified USA as having the highest number of banks with 4,686 banks followed by Russia and United Kingdom. On the other end of the spectrum was Central African Republic, Comoros, and Papua New Guinea with 4 banks each.

加拿大有88家银行,大多数(如果不是全部的话)都是加拿大存款保险公司(CDIC)的成员。不包括魁北克省,加拿大有251个信用合作社,而魁北克有227个(该省称其为平民储蓄协会)。每个人都熟悉加拿大的“六大银行”。他们是加拿大皇家银行(RBC),道明加拿大信托(俗称道明银行TD Canada Trust),枫叶银行(Scotia Bank),满地可银行(BMO),加拿大帝国银行商业银行(CIBC)和加拿大国家银行。
Canada has 88 banks and most if not all are members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). There are 251 Credit Unions outside of the province of Quebec and 227 of them (known as caisses populaires) in Quebec. Everyone is familiar with the “Big 6” group of banks in Canada – Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Toronto Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust), Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotia Bank), Bank of Montreal (BMO), Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), and National Bank of Canada.
Deposit Insurance for banks in Canada is covered by the CDIC (cdic.ca). In Ontario, the deposit insurance for Credit Unions is covered by Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO) – (dico.com). Most of our readers do not deal with Credit Unions but I will address the insurance on deposits with Credit Unions later on.
CDIC is a federal Crown corporation that protects our deposits for up to $100,000 per “insured category” at financial institutions that are CDIC members and coverage is free and automatic. So what is covered? Savings and chequing accounts, Guaranteed lnvestment Certificates (GICs) and other term deposits, and Foreign Currency Deposits. What is left out of the coverage are: Mutual funds, stocks, and bonds, and ExchangeTraded Funds (ETFs). If the unthinkable happens and a CDIC (bank) member fails and closes its doors, CDIC will provide access to our insured funds (including interest) automatically and contact us within days.
The catch words for the insured amount is “insured category”! Once clarified, it is clear that there is the possibility of a much larger coverage, especially when you put deposits into multiple banks.
以下是CDIC给每个会员上保$ 100,000的类别:
1)Savings account, chequing account, Guaranteed Investment Certificates, and term deposits under one's name.
2)The above items in a joint account with someone else.
3)Trust accounts (for each beneficiary, includes Registered Education Savings Plan)
4)Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)
5)Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
6)Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)
7)Property taxes withheld (for mortgaged properties)
This can all add up to $700,000 if each and every category is claimed to the maximum limit in any one bank alone.
你可能对上述88家银行的总数感到困惑。根据2016年的统计数据,“六大”银行是30家国内银行的一部分,这些银行不是外国银行的分行,即使它们有外国股东。外国银行的分行共有21家,加拿大对它们接受存款的数额没有限制。另外28家银行无权在加拿大接受少于$ 150,000的存款。有4家银行不得接受存款或借入资金,但它们可以从其他允许向其放款的金融机构借款。我们中的许多人都熟悉香港上海汇丰银行(HSBC),它属于“外国银行的分行”。
You may still get confused by the total number of 88 banks mentioned above. Based on 2016 statistics, the “Big 6” banks are part of 30 domestic banks that are not a subsidiary of a foreign bank, even if they have foreign shareholders. There are 21 banks allowed to accept deposits without restrictions that are subsidiaries of foreign banks. A further 28 banks are not authorized to accept deposits in Canada of less than $150,000. 4 banks are prohibited from accepting deposits or borrowing money except from financial institutions (only lending capabilities). Many of us are familiar with Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) – they fall under the category of “subsidiary of a foreign bank”.
How safe are your deposits in Canadian Banks? Only two small regional banks have failed since 1923 when the Home Bank of Canada failed. This was both Canadian Commercial Bank and Northland Bank in September of 1985. Just think, there were no bank failures in Canada during the Great Depression, World War II, the 1979 Energy Crisis, the Dot-com Bubble, the 911 Attacks or the Subprime Mortgage Crisis. This fact, together with the coverages provided by the CDIC, will certainly give us the peace of mind when we make our deposits at Canadian Banks.