The Liberals may see its majority dream dashed at the polls
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

Trudeau visited the Governor-General on Sunday, kicking off a snap election in a bid to win a majority government. Touting the success of the vaccination campaign and the sufficient financial relief to the pandemic hard-hit Canadians, the Liberal believes that it has gained the public nod for its pandemic response and is eager to tap into the political credit. But the minority government's narcissism might have gone too far. It has miscalculated public opinion by calling the election. Amid raging outbreaks and growing threats of Covid variants, handing out rewards to the Liberals is the last thing on Canadians' minds.
Despite its missteps in its pandemic response, Ottawa can claim several milestone victories on Canada's Covid-19 journey. Ottawa can boast its success on vaccine procurement, having secured enough vaccine jabs to inoculate the population three times over. Leading the world's vaccination rate, Canadians have increasingly enjoyed the eased restrictions, and life is gradually returning to normal. The Liberals have another accomplishment to brag – stabilizing income for financially struggling individuals affected by the pandemic. The peace of mind has returned to millions of Canadians as the government checks have supplemented the bank accounts depleted by the lockdown measures.
But the Liberals have misjudged the mood of the Canadian public by sniffing a majority government in the wind. Trudeau's excuse for election – that the minority status prevents the government from taking bold actions to curb the pandemic couldn't be more ridiculous. Requiring compromises, corporations, and conciliations among the political parties, the minority government, proven time and again, have had the landmark legislation passed at critical times and can be the best at handling a national crisis.
以其保守的财政原则受到反对党遏制的哈勃少数党政府带领加国顺利度过了2008年的全球金融危机。在反对党的制衡下,自由党于疫情初期在议会迅速通过了 $1070亿元的疫情财政援助计划。半年后,议会又全体通过了向完全失业和半失业人群继续提供财务援助的立法,并在新民主党的要求下,该立法将自由党提议的福利从每周$400元增至 $500 元。
The Harper minority government, with its conservative fiscal instinct restrained by the oppositions, had successfully navigated the country through the 2008 global financial crisis. Under the opposition's checks and balances, the Liberals had its $107 billion Covid -19 aid packages quickly passed in the parliament in the early stage of the pandemic. Half a year later, the House of Commons unanimously passed legislation authorizing continued financial support for the jobless and underemployed, with the Liberal's proposed benefits increased from $400 to $500 per week, at the behest of the NDP.

The pandemic-weary Canadians don't believe the election is necessary, preferring the existing minority government and the status quo. The election serves the needs of the Liberals rather than the Canadians, prioritizing Trudeau's interest over the public. Forcing such an election on the Canadians highlights Liberals' Me First agenda, prompting public disgust and voter apathy. The latest opinion poll has painted a grim picture of the party's fate on the Election Day. The Liberals’ support rate has plunged 5.9% from several weeks ago while the Conservatives gained 4.8%, suggesting the egotistical party may see its majority dream dashed altogether at the polls.
As a result of the Liberals' deliberate plan to win the majority, the snap election came two years before the legislated date. But if a minority government is what voters want, the Liberals' calculated move won't bring the outcome it desperately desired.
