
When Peng Shuai, a Chinese tennis star, accused former Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of sexual assault in 2021, her case revealed how power can shield predators in authoritarian regimes. Peng, then 35, alleged that Zhang, 75, forced her into a sexual relationship during an earlier affair, after which she was silenced. Her post spread rapidly on Chinese social media but was swiftly deleted, and Peng vanished for weeks. She reappeared in highly controlled public settings after global condemnation, but her voice had been effectively stifled. Peng’s case underscored how totalitarian systems suppress victims to protect those in power.
In a surprising parallel, a similar pattern of silence and suppression emerged in democratic Canada. Frank Stronach, the founder of Magna International, a global auto parts giant, faced allegations of sexual misconduct spanning decades. At least 13 women accused him of sexual assault and harassment, with many describing inappropriate advances during work-related events or in company-controlled spaces. One woman alleged that Stronach forcibly groped her at a company event, while others recounted unwanted sexual advances in corporate suites and private settings.
更有甚者,尽管加拿大的法律体系健全,但作为该国最有势力的企业大亨,则利用了其强大的势力和权威令其性侵害者们噤若寒蝉,不敢公开指责其不轨行为。在这样一种公司环境中,员工担心举报作为公司创始人的大老板绝不会有好下场,甚至会导致职业生涯的毁灭。 一些受害者指控,公司高管为了优先保护麦格纳的声誉而劝阻她们提交正式投诉。还有一些受害者被迫签署保密协议并收到和解金作为封口费。
Moreover, despite the protections theoretically available through Canada’s legal system, Stronach’s immense influence within Magna deterred his victims from coming forward. Women feared professional ruin, knowing that reporting misconduct could mean going against a company built around its founder. Some victims claimed they were actively discouraged from filing formal complaints by company officials who prioritized protecting Magna’s reputation. Others were reportedly offered financial settlements or coerced into signing non-disclosure agreements, further preventing them from speaking out.
Peng’s case, set against the backdrop of an authoritarian government, is a clear example of how oppressive regimes suppress victims' voices to protect powerful officials. In China, the state’s swift censorship and control of Peng’s narrative illustrated how the system protects high-ranking individuals like Zhang. Similarly, Stronach’s dominance within Magna, and the corporate culture that revered him, insulated him from scrutiny. As Camilla Cornell, a former employee, remarked, “He was the company,” emphasizing how deeply intertwined Stronach’s personal power was with the corporate structure.
这些性侵事件充分显示,无论是中国的政治权势,还是加拿大的企业巨头,都可利用其影响势力而使性侵者免遭刑事追究; 被困在极权政体的体制内的彭帅,面对的是政府势力的迫害,而斯特罗纳克的指控者们则面对另一种同样强大的公司势力的打压:一种保护高层、而至受害者人身权利而不顾的肮脏的企业文化。
These parallel incidents suggest that power, whether wielded by a political leader in China or a corporate giant in Canada, can shield individuals from accountability. Peng Shuai, caught in the machinery of a totalitarian regime, faced the full force of state-backed repression. Stronach’s accusers encountered a different but equally powerful barrier: a corporate culture that prioritized protecting its leader over seeking justice for victims.
The comparison between these two cases highlights that powerful men, regardless of the political system they operate within, often benefit from mechanisms of silence. In China, state censorship and political intimidation serve as tools of suppression.In Canada, it was not only the corporate system’s unwavering loyalty to a revered founder but also the profound fear of his immense power and influence that actively suppressed women from coming forward.
While it may be easier to recognize and condemn such patterns in authoritarian systems like China’s, it is more disconcerting when the same dynamics emerge in democracies. The case of Stronach, like that of Peng Shuai, serves as a reminder that even in societies with established systems of law and justice, power and influence can still stifle the voices of the vulnerable.