
中英对照:川普新冠诊断书给其“反华”粉丝们 敲响警钟

Trump’s Covid diagnosis a wake-up call for his anti-China supporters
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Trump's harsh rhetoric against China appeals to many anti-China supporters, who consider Trump's aggressive approach and his unmatched hawkish policies to counter China the most consistent and credible. Trump stands out with his courageous action against the Beijing regime as the rest of the world bows to the strongman leader and the country's economic might – they say. However, Trump's shocking coronavirus diagnosis is a reality check for Trump supporters delusional about his competence and leadership in fighting with the global superpower. 



Trump's diagnosis came at a time when pandemic rages through the US soil, and when China has mostly kept the epidemic under control. Trump's failed pandemic response has seen both the country's infected cases and the death toll shot up to the highest in the world – further damaging the battered US global image since Trump took office as the president. Undoubtedly, the news that Trump tested positive on the virus has dealt another crippling blow to America's prestige.


The anti-China supporters would find it disturbing that the president's positive diagnosis has fueled China's glory and fed the Beijing government with more grounds to attack the US. China has boasted that its pandemic response with an authoritarian tactic is the best globally and repeatedly slammed Washington for its pandemic response. It accuses the US' pandemic response disregards humanity and failed its people and failed the world. The editor of the state newspaper Globe-Times reacted to Trump's diagnosis with jeers, saying that it shows the severity of the US pandemic situation and that Trump and his wife have paid the price for downplaying the pandemic.


These Trump supporters should bear in mind that while some Trump policies punished Beijing, many steps he took to counter China have hurt the American economy. It has slowed the US economic growth, costing $316 billion -- 0.3% of its GDP and resulting in US companies suffering lower profit margins, employees losing jobs, and consumers paying higher retail prices.  Apart from a significant blow to the US economy, the trade war failed to achieve its desired outcome by changing China's trade practice. The US trade deficit with China continued to grow, reaching a record of $419.2 billion in 2018.

川普的忠实支持者们还应意识到,川普未能履行其做为全球领袖的职责,美国也渐失去其国际领导地位,这为中国的崛起铺平了道路,并使美国的这一强有力的国际对手在全球舞台上发挥越来越重要的作用。 美国从《巴黎协约》的退出将抗衡全球气候变暖的领导权拱手让给了中国。川普决定停止为世界卫生组织提供资金以及宣布美国退出TPP等对寻求扩张国际影响的中国来说都是福音,让其得以乘虚而入,抢占国际政治和经济上的领导地位。

Trump's loyal supporters should realize that Trump has failed his role as a world leader, which paved the way for China's rise and allowed the US rival to play a growingly important role on the global stage. The US withdrawing from the Paris agreement ceded the global leadership of climate change to China. Trump's decision to halt funding for the WHO and his pulling out from TPP is a boon for China seeking to expand its global influence, creating a political and economic vacuum that China is eager to fill.


More importantly, Trump's efforts to manipulate the US elections to stay in power impose unprecedented threats to the US democracy, sending a message to his Chinese counterpart that he supports authoritarianism and Xijinping's permanent presidency.


Effectively countering China's growing requires improved governance at home and increased leadership role abroad, allowing the US to maintain its unrivaled global superpower status. But the US under Trump has seen its position and power eroding at a faster pace and a shrinking power gap between China and the US. To keep a president in power who claims tough on China while his actions weaken America and strengthen China is a not a desired outcome for America, but a stupid and absurd choice for his anti-China voters.





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