
For someone accustomed to shared living conditions in their home country, Canada's detached homes with landscaped gardens can be both stunningly beautiful and surprisingly isolating. Reflecting on my first encounter with Canada's detached homes decades ago as a new immigrant, I was overwhelmed with emotions, struck both by their beauty and isolation. While the spacious and elegant homes—beautifully decorated and diverse in design—were admirable, the deadly quiet and widely dispersed living model somehow elicited a deep longing for the bustling, close-knit communities that formed the core of my living arrangements back home. As Canada's housing challenges drive a shift towards less sprawling and higher density living, newcomers may find these growing living solutions particularly appealing, as they offer both a sense of community and the benefits of privacy and independence.
My personal experience serves as a testament to this perspective. I grew up in DaZaYuan in Beijing during the housing shortages of the 1960s. In this DaZaYuan, a traditional single-family courtyard house was subdivided to accommodate multiple families. Our family of four lived in a dimly lit, moss-covered, and cramped room that served multiple functions of daily life, including cooking, sleeping, and studying. With more than twenty residents sharing a single tap and toilet, sanitation, privacy, and human dignity barely existed. In stark contrast, the luxurious lifestyle of Canada’s detached homes, with sun-filled living rooms and spacious bedrooms featuring private bathrooms, feels like night and day, almost like a godsend.
北京大杂院 / Dazayuan in Beijing
Despite the challenges of cramped living conditions, the DaZaYuan also brought me cherished childhood memories filled with love, care, and joy. Neighbors formed an extended family, providing unwavering support that permeated every aspect of my early years. The "aunties," "uncles," and "grannies" next door seamlessly stepped into the roles of caregivers whenever my parents, politically stranded during the peak of the Cultural Revolution, were away, offering me immediate comfort and support in times of distress. The DaZaYuan also provided ample opportunities to hang out with kids from all walks of life, fostering companionship and group support activities that were integral to our social, emotional, and psychological well-being. The deep level of daily interactions offered a profound sense of intimacy, security, and belonging for both adults and children, making the more segregated and solitary living spaces in Canada pale in comparison.
加拿大独立屋 / Detached homes in Canada
由于加拿大也在面临日益严重的住房短缺,使这种宽阔,稀疏,彼此远离的居住格局难以为继,不得不面临改变。增加住房供应的中密度(Gentle Density)住房格局计划正逐渐获得越来越多的关注,允许在为单户家庭设计的社区内建造后院房屋、巷道房屋和多户低层住宅。在 加拿大各城市兴建的几千个这类小规模住宅增加了住宅密度,在维持各户居民隐私的同时,缩短了邻里居民之间的距离。根据研究《误念:增加居住密度会影响居民健康福祉》,增加居住密度会增强邻里互动,培养社区归属感,因而有助于缓解在加拿大人中日益普遍的孤独感——尤其是在新移民和老年人群体。
The fabric of Canada's sprawling neighborhoods faces a growing demand for change as the country increasingly experiences housing shortages. Gentle density, a potential solution aimed at increasing housing supply by ending single family zoning, has gained momentum. Municipalities across Canada—particularly Toronto and Vancouver, which face the most severe housing shortages—have passed legislation allowing backyard houses, laneway houses, and multiplexes to emerge in neighborhoods originally designed for single-family living. The emergence of several thousand low-scale housing units across Canadian cities has facilitated closer physical proximity among residents while preserving their privacy. According to the study :The Myth: Density Equals Worse Wellbeing and Health Outcomes, social interactions and a sense of community brought by the gentle density help to alleviate the loneliness that is increasingly prevalent among Canadians – particularly newcomers and seniors.
The shift towards higher-density living is likely to create more vibrant and lively neighborhoods that many newcomer homeowners desire. They defy the NIMBY (not in my backyard) movement that concerns about noise, privacy and changes to neighborhood character, embracing gentle density with increased human connections more readily than their local Canadian counterparts. After decades of living in a detached home in Toronto, we plan to develop multiplexes in our backyard, aiming to attract more tenants and foster a friendlier, warmer community reminiscent of my cherished childhood memories.