
在通胀危机中,加国那些高高在上的政客奢侈消费更为可耻(观点 中英对照)

Opinion: Top politicians' luxury spending is disgraceful in an economy gripped by an inflation crisis
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Politicians using taxpayers' money to pay for their luxury consumption are infamous old scandals that spark public outrage and opposition backlash. But the government officials' overspending is even more scandalous and controversial in today's high inflation environment, where CPI has soared to a record high since 1983. Unfettered consumption injects demand into the economy, dumping fuel into the inflation fire despite the central bank's all-out efforts to slam the brakes and curb demands. Top leaders' money squandering sets a bad example for the wealthy, encouraging spending sprees that would leave the poor and middle class to pay the price.

媒体最近曝光了加国政治高层的一系列支出丑闻。 加国总督玛丽西蒙(Mary Simon)和她的 29 位随行乘客在乘政府CC-150 Polaris 飞机前往伦敦、阿拉伯联合酋长国、卡塔尔、科威特,仅往返旅途就花费了$93,117.89 元,旅行燃料费用高达$248,127.02 元 。 总理贾斯汀·特鲁多、副总理克里斯蒂亚·弗里兰和其他 58 人在 3 月 5 日至 3 月 11 日前往伦敦、里加、柏林、华沙的返回途中, 其餐饮费用高达$57,401.56 元,燃料费$195,265.47 元。 在另一次欧洲之行中,特鲁多和其他 47 位随行人员餐饮消费$46,018.07 元,燃料费用$114,255.83 元。 此外,True North 的一篇文章揭示了特鲁多一家的奢华生活方式,即他们一家去年每月仅在食品和精制品上花费高达$12,000 元。

The media has recently exposed a flurry of spending scandals of the top political echelons. Gov. Gen. Mary Simon and her 29 guests, who traveled to London, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and back, spent $93,117.89 on board the government's CC-150 Polaris aircraft, with the cost of fuel for the trip fetching $248,127.02. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, and 58 others amassed $57,401.56 in catering costs while traveling to London, Riga, Berlin, Warsaw, and back between March 5 and March 11, with fuel bill costing $195,265.47. During another trip to Europe, Trudeau and 47 others racked up a $46,018.07 catering bill with $114,255.83 spent on fuel. Also, a True North article sheds light on Trudeau's luxury lifestyle, reporting that his residence spent 12K on groceries and boutique goods in one month last year.

加拿大的最高收入阶层是加国财富的主要拥有者,据统计加国最富有的家庭净资产值为家庭净产值中位数的几个数量级。根据议会预算官的说法,加拿大前 1% 的家庭拥有约 加国总财富的25.6% ,而加拿大最富有的 0.5% 的家庭拥有的财富额为2.4 万亿元,即总财富额的20.5% 。股票和房产价值的飙升更使他们腰缠万贯,财囊鼓鼓,得以大笔消费推动通胀急剧升温。在“财富效应”的作用下,占加国总消费支出的相当大比例的最高收入阶层的消费成为通胀的最重要的,但往往被忽视的推手。更为不公的是,推高物价的这一高收入阶层却受通胀之害影响最小。

In Canada, top wealthy families hold a significant portion of the country's wealth, possessing net worth with orders of magnitude higher than the country's median net worth. According to Parliamentary Budget Officer, the top one percent of Canada's families held about 25.6 percent of the wealth, and the top 0.5 percent of Canadian families owned 20.5 percent or $2.4 trillion. The surge in stock portfolios and housing values has swelled their nest eggs, enabling their lavish spending that helps drive the inflation rampage. Under the "wealth effects," the top income tier's spending accounts for a vast share of overall consumption, a leading but mostly ignored driving force for inflation. Moreover, the wealthy class contributing significantly to soaring prices is the least affected by the raging surge of inflation.

受富豪奢侈消费推高之通胀的最大受害者非底层收入人士莫属。随着汽油和食品价格飙升,他们在经济困境中苦苦挣扎,入不敷出。当6月份通胀率达到惊人的8.1%,燃料价格比去年上涨了 48%,食品价格上涨了 11%之际,低收入家庭深陷财务危机。这些家庭几乎所有开支都用于住房和吃饭,不像有钱人那样可通过减少像度假和餐馆等非基本开支来度过难关。大约 60% 到 70% 的低收入家庭要将超过 50% 的税前收入用于租金,几乎没有任何财务空间来支付过高的食品或汽油支出。

Taking the brunt of damages exacerbated by the riches' excessive spending is the group on the lowest economic ladder, who struggle to make ends meet as gasoline and grocery prices are through the roof. With inflation hitting 8.1% in June, fuel prices increased 48% over last year while food prices rose by 11%, leaving lower-income households in the grip of a cost-of-living crisis. These families' budget mostly spends on food and shelter and has no leeway to reduce non-basic spending like their affluent counterparts -- such as restaurant meals or vacations. Around 60 to 70% of low-income renters spend over 50% of their before-tax income on rent, leaving little room for additional costs of food or fuel.


Canada's inflation crisis demands the elite class to curb spending and practice financial self-control. The rich people's shopping binge, which inflicts inflationary pains on marginalized Canadians, is shameful. Trudeau and his entourage's reckless spending, which has sent the wrong message to the wealthy about what an ultimate luxury lifestyle the vast pools of money can fund, is more disgraceful.




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