Regulate genome-editing is a must
来源: Bob Mok
This is the second part of an article focusing on He Jiankui's project on babies born with edited genomes. For the first part of this article, please click: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/665812.
Scientists have worked on genome-editing for over a decade. Back when one of my daughters was working towards her Phd in biology, her project involved the injection of a “glowing gene” into zebra tropical fish eggs. I helped her to device a trap to collect the eggs from her laboratory every morning for her experiments. Regular zebra tropical fishes developed glowing characteristics when they were born after the eggs are treated that way. This mutation will pass onto future generations when these fishes reproduce.
Scientists have worked on genome-editing for over a decade. Back when one of my daughters was working towards her Phd in biology, her project involved the injection of a “glowing gene” into zebra tropical fish eggs. I helped her to device a trap to collect the eggs from her laboratory every morning for her experiments. Regular zebra tropical fishes developed glowing characteristics when they were born after the eggs are treated that way. This mutation will pass onto future generations when these fishes reproduce.
To ensure that there are not chances for these mutated fishes to contaminate the natural populations, they would be sterilized. While there are zero chances of survival in cold climates, scientists will not take chances. If these fishes can reproduce in their native environment, they will pollute the gene pool of the original species or wipe them out through better adaptations. I was always concerned about the sterilization process. I remember the movie “Jurassic Park” when supposedly sterile dinosaurs were found producing off-springs. The scientist remarked “Nature will find a way”.
He's project consists of two steps – editing of the genome followed by implanting of fertilized eggs and eventual birth of babies. The concept is similar to the zebra fish experiment above but with much dire consequences. Genome-editing has been performed on living human beings to try and save their lives as a last resort and such alterations will not pass onto the next generations through reproduction.
在贺建奎宣布其所做的实验之前,许多科学家已经开始担心有人会搞出一个基因被编辑过的人。 2016年,科学家用一个人的健康DNA替换了尚未出生的孩子的病变DNA,从而消除了原胚胎中的病变基因。这种疗法用于防止线粒体疾病从母亲传给孩子。被该方法医治的母亲患有莱氏症,已经有过四次流产,而且她两个孩子死于莱氏症。这种医疗方法在英国可以做,但在美国却不允许。这种医疗方法与贺建奎的项目有天壤之别,前者是在严格地控制和监管下进行的,且取得了成功。
Even before He’s revelations, many scientists were already worried about the prospect that someone was on the brink of creating a gene-edited person. In 2016, scientists replaced diseased DNA in an embryo with healthy DNA from another person, eliminating the embryo's original disease-causing mutation. Essentially, this kind of replacement therapy has been used to prevent the transmission of mitochondrial diseases from mother to child. The mother involved had Leigh disease and already had four miscarriages and two her children who had died of the disease. The procedure is approved in United Kingdom but not in the United States. Again, this is not similar to what He was doing and the project is a success under tight control and monitoring.
许多研究人员担心,贺建奎的做法可能会影响基因编辑研究的未来。在美国,一些科学家建议严禁基因编辑。 11月28日,美国国家卫生研究院主任柯林斯在一份声明中表示:“全世界需要对控制基因研究项目达成共识,而这正是香港峰会上讨论的事,这种控制刻不容缓。”香港峰会结束后发表了一个声明,呼吁人们要为基因编辑技术安全地转化为治疗方法开绿灯。“如果能控制风险,基因编辑可以在未来进行。”
Many researchers fear that He's revelations could hamper the future of germline-editing. In the US some scientists are suggesting draconian bans. On 28 November, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins said in a statement that “the need for development of binding international consensus on setting limits for this kind of research, now being debated in Hong Kong, has never been more apparent.” The statement released at the Hong Kong summit’s close makes a plea to keep open a path for safely translating gene-editing technology into treatments: “Germline genome editing could become acceptable in the future if these risks are addressed.”
The Hong Kong summit's organizing committee suggests that science academies around the world make recommendations to their own governments, while coordinating with each other. It also suggests the creation of an international forum that would funnel research and clinical trials through an international registry, and discuss issues such as equitable access to the benefits of gene editing.
With the disappearance of He back into China, many questions remain unanswered. It would appeared that the whole incident was motivated by commercial exploitation of scientific procedures without giving any consideration to ethics. Before long, customers will want to have babies born with desirable attributes of their choosing. Many may want to have a clone of themselves so that they can harvest totally compatible organs when their own aging organs fail to function. The scientific research community is against all of these aggressive projects as they are considered as “unethical”.
There must be actions taken to eliminate incidents such as those created by He. There need to be enforcement that punishes rogue behaviour. He and his projects served to sound the alarm bells. We can only wait to see how the scientific research community will react to that alarm before it is too late.