中英对照: 监控系统的安装将提高人们光顾唐人街的安全感 给商家带来更多生意
Surveillance system boosts shoppers confidence and bring more business to Chinatown
来源: Bob Mok

The Chinatown Business Improvement Area (CBIA) Organization has established a special “Camera Committee” to help promote the installation of surveillance cameras in Chinatown.
“监控录像委员会”的初始目标是搞清楚协会成员提供闭路电视摄像系统和数字视频录像系统 (DVR) 的可行性。这些设备将记录正在进行的犯罪活动,并为警察提供破案证据。
The “Camera Committee” has an initial goal to investigate the feasibility of a program to provide BIA members with CCTV cameras and Digital Video Recorders (DVR). These equipment will record crimes in progress on the members' premises and secure evidence for police force to aid in the apprehension of criminals.

This effort was stymied when the City of Toronto considered the supply of surveillance equipment as an action to “improve the value of the property of BIA members”. This caused the Committee to take on a slightly different approach. Equipment will not be purchased and issued to members. Rather, a contractor will be engaged to supply consultation and installation of surveillance equipment. The surveillance equipment will have to be purchased and paid for by the members themselves.
根据计划,华埠商业促进区协会将按照《隐私法》准备监控警示招牌和材料,并发给会员。那些已经拥有并已经在使用监控设备的成员也可以加入该计划,或从指定的承包商那里购买新设备升级。 负责管辖华埠商业促进区协会所在地区的警察部门已经向协会提供了一份“经常出事”的地点清单。位于这些常出事地点的会员将优先获得承包商的服务。
Under the program, the BIA office staff will prepare signage and materials covering the Privacy Act to give to signed up members. Those members who already have operational surveillance equipment can also enroll in the program to purchase new equipment from the designated contractor. A list of “Crime Hotspots” was provided by the police divisions within the BIA boundaries earlier on. Members located at the hotspots will be prioritized to receive the services from the contractor.
The two police divisions within the BIA boundaries were consulted throughout the Camera Committee's planning. They provided valuable insight into the privacy acts and their implementation and were supportive of the committee's plans and initiatives. It hopes that the tendering process will be quick and successful bidder can be selected within the next two months.

Participating members will be assisted by the BIA office to develop a policy to comply with the Privacy Act. Cameras located within the premises will be strategically placed to cover the entry areas and capture images of any criminals when they interact with business staff during office hours or executing a “smash, grab, and run” operations during the night. As such, infrared capability will be necessary to accomplish the tasks. Members' staff may receive training on the requirement of the Privacy Act relative to the obligation to protect the privacy of individuals, managing of recordings, including security, use, disclosure, retention, and eventual disposal.
犯罪分子通常在凌晨 4 点至早上 6 点之间破门而入,盗窃商家的现金或贵重商品。作案时,他们会损坏大门。修门的钱通常是商家自己付。商家不想因为被盗而使保险的保费急剧增加。另外,商家修复被盗贼破坏的物业时不得不暂时停业。
When criminals smash the door and enter a business to grab cash or valuables at night (usually between 4am and 6am), they damage the entrances and these typically will have to be paid for by the businesses since the insurance deductibles are high and claims will result in drastic increase in premiums when policies are renewed. No only that, the business will be interrupted for good part of a day when emergency repairs are effected.
Surveillance equipment will act as a deterrent to criminals. Used effectively, criminals can also be identified and arrested quickly. Statistics show us that most of these criminals are repeaters and they use their proceeds from these criminal activities to support drugs, drinking, and gambling habits.

The surveillance camera installation program in Chinatown is a first step towards restoring confidence to businesses and their customers alike. The anticipated results will be reflected in the Crime Statistics regularly collected by the police in the coming years.