

Contempt of court verdict led to change of heart by a vicious campaigner
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
Hearsay evidence is unreliable and inadmissible in court trials. However,  Mr. Jian Wu, a self-employed construction worker, had stubbornly believed that he could rely on it to prove in court what he alleged against Mr. Simon Zhong, a social worker and a community leader, were true. According to court records on the contempt lawsuit filed against Wu, Mr. Wu has started a crusading campaign against Zhong since 2019, alleging Zhong of ethical misdeeds and corruption -- including peddling Queens' medals and misappropriating public funds. It took Mr.Wu a contempt of court conviction -- particularly the prospect of jail terms -- to shake his confidence and to realize his allegations against Zhong were unfounded and that his actions violated the rule of law.

在吴健于2019年发布了十几幅微信张贴指控钟的行为不端后,钟向安省高等法院提起了诽谤诉讼。在法庭上,吴健除了引用一些不知姓甚名谁的人的道听途说的传言外,未能提交任何可靠证据支持他的指控,而这些人中还包括一名80几岁的老太太。法官Penny J认为吴健的微信言论属于诽谤,并于2019年12月下了永久禁令,禁止吴健再发表任何对钟的诽谤言论。

Zhong filed a defamation lawsuit against Wu with Ontario Superior Court after Wu published a dozen WeChat posts in 2019 alleging Zhong’s wrongdoings. Mr. Wu presented no reliable evidence in court to support his claims, other than citing rumors and innuendos from unidentified individuals – including an 80-year-old woman. Justice Penny J. found Wu's WeChat statements defamatory and issued a permanent injunction order in Dec. 2019, banning Mr. Wu from publishing any defamation statements against Zhong.
However, neither the injunction order nor the over $60,000 of damages and cost orders issued against him stopped Wu from continuing his mission-driven campaign to "alert the public" to the alleged corrupt dealings of Mr. Zhong.  The court has found that Wu doubled down his efforts since the injunction order as his defamatory posts appeared more frequently on WeChat.  Some statements even referred to the prospects of the contempt proceedings against him, showing his reckless disregard of the legal consequences of his act. 

Mr. Wu held a steadfast belief that his hearsay evidence could eventually prove his allegations in court and justify his crusade against Zhong.  Lacking legal advice, he was under the mistaken assumption that the Ontario open-court system provided him with the opportunity to expose Zhong’s alleged misconducts, putting a spotlight on his corruption charges against Zhong.  Mr. Wu asked for a screenshot of his WeChat posts sent to Zhong, intentionally provoking Zhong to file contempt proceedings against him. “Forcing Zhong into suing me is just a more convenient way to expose the truth, “ he wrote in his Aug. 2020 posts. “As soon as the lawsuit starts, everything comes to light.”
法庭根据确凿的证据判定吴健蔑视法庭成立。法官S.F. Dunphy在其判决理由中写道,蔑视法庭判决让吴健震惊,并使他陷入了一场深刻的“自我反省”。他开始意识到他曾深信不疑的,既对钟进行一场所谓正义感驱使下的攻击是他的权利,且这场攻击战并未违反法庭禁令的理念是完全错误的。法官根据吴健的深度反悔以及其做出的日后将永不再公开发表任何关于钟之诽谤言论的保证而未下将其监禁的判决。
The evidence before the court has led to the contempt of court ruling against him. According to Reasons for Decisions by Justice S.F. Dunphy, the conviction left Wu in shock, triggering a "significant evaluation process on his part."  Mr. Wu realized that his assumption that he was legally entitled to the so-called righteous campaign against Zhong and not in breach of the injunction order was completely wrong. Wu's deep remorse and his assurance of refraining from making any public statement about Zhong in the future prompted the court to stop short of handing down him a jail sentence.
“I am satisfied… that the prospect of future harm is adequately addressed short of immediate incarceration,” wrote Justice Dunphy J.
The court ordered Wu to pay the total indemnity costs of Zhong for the contempt proceedings, in addition to a fine of $35,000 as general damages, which makes his total court debt owing to Zhong exceed $100,000.





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