
In July 2019, Dr. Qiu Xiangguo and her husband, Chen Keding, were escorted out of the Winnipeg laboratory where they had worked for over a decade. Their security clearances were revoked the following year and the couple were dismissed from this high-security Canadian facility. The revelation of investigations by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) into the couple's activities sent shockwaves through their circle of colleagues, revealing a complex case that suggested a significant breach of trust by two seemingly trustworthy Chinese Canadian scientists. However, the Canadian intelligence community posits that Dr. Qiu and her husband may not fit the mold of traditional spies acting directly under China's intelligence apparatus. Instead, they are perceived as part of a broader category of Chinese Canadians who, influenced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), might be inclined to undertake actions that serve Beijing's interests.
Former Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Richard Fadden, commented, “They represent the broader swath of Chinese citizens who, in alignment with the views of China’s state apparatus, are inclined to gather information beneficial to China whenever possible.” A CSIS report suggests that Dr. Qiu and her husband shared critical scientific knowledge and resources unauthorizedly, neglecting the potential detriment to Canadian interests. The dissemination of scientific findings from the Canadian laboratory to China, notably the genetic sequence of the Ebola virus, culminated in the registration of a patent in China under Dr. Qiu's name. Furthermore, CSIS investigations have uncovered Dr. Qiu's engagements with scientists connected to the Chinese military.
Further reports indicate that Dr. Qiu applied to multiple China’s talent recruitment programs and notably negotiated an employment agreement with Hebei Medical University. The agreement reportedly included $1.2 million in research funding, a monthly compensation of $15,000, and an additional $30,000 annually for overseeing laboratory operations remotely.
邱香果夫妇的行为使他们自然成为海外华裔中的”离岸爱国群体”中之一员,这些小粉红充满高昂的爱国主义情怀,激进的民族主义精神,并“以其实际行动”盲目支持并效忠中共。中共政府投掷重金,通过软实力统战伎俩大肆开展对加国各领域的宣传和干预行动,从科学到政界到民主选举,旨在影响并扩大这一“离岸爱国群体”。 中共的统战宣传颇见成效,海外华裔各领域人士,从科学家,民选政客人物甚至普通选民都有意无意地融入其中,参与了某些有利于中共并损害加国利益的行动。一位前中国领事馆官员称,“想让华裔移民与中华人民共和国立场保持一致简直太容易了“。
Dr. Qiu and her husband's actions align them with a significant segment of the overseas Chinese diaspora who, motivated by loyalty to their homeland's government, are ready to fulfill the CCP's demands. Beijing has significantly ramped up its interference within Canadian society, impacting everything from the scientific community to political arenas and even democratic processes, including elections. The effort to cultivate loyalty to Beijing, characterized by substantial financial injections and the sophisticated use of soft power tactics by the United Front Work Department, has proven to be effective. A broad spectrum of Chinese Canadians — ranging from esteemed scientists and political leaders to the average voter — may have, knowingly or unknowingly, engaged in activities that bolster China's interests to the detriment of Canada's. A former official from the Chinese Consulate noted, “Influencing Chinese immigrants to align with the PRC’s stance is quite straightforward.”
Though not officially recognized as sleeper agents for China, the activities of Dr. Qiu and her husband have nonetheless constituted a significant threat to Canada's national security. In today's digital era, individuals such as the Qius, despite lacking formal espionage skills, have managed to exploit their positions within premier Canadian research institutions. They have facilitated the transfer of sensitive research data and critical trade secrets to their homeland. Their involvement in enabling China to secure a crucial patent related to research on highly pathogenic organisms has markedly bolstered the country's virology and genetic engineering capacities. These actions have scored a significant strategic victory for China, amplifying its overseas influence and marking a notable success in its geopolitical rivalry with Canada.