

Not adopting vaccine passport regime, Queen's Park pains itself into a corner
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
The threat of a more dangerous fourth wave by a highly contagious Delta variant has put the vaccine coverage at the front and center, fueling the momentum for the vaccine uptake booster –the vaccine passport. But Premier Doug Ford and his team have repeatedly announced that the Ontario government will not make the vaccination mandatory nor adopt a vaccine passport regime. The Ford government has painted itself into a corner on that position. Queen's Park will find itself in a helpless situation if hospitals overwhelmed by the unvaccinated people force another round of lockdown orders.


自从疫苗推行以来,疫情重心已转移到未接种疫苗人群。随着多省新增病例增长,加拿大已进入第四波疫情浪潮,但未接种疫苗人士已占据被感染和住院人数的绝大多数。一份新的全国流行病报告清晰地描绘了遭德尔塔毒株肆虐的未种疫苗人口状况:他们高居新增病例的90%, 住院人口的84.9%和新冠死亡者的82.3%。
Since the vaccine rollout, the pandemic has gradually turned into a pandemic for unvaccinated. With surging new cases in many provinces, Canada has entered the fourth pandemic wave, but the unvaccinated people have made up the bulk of the new infections and hospitalizations.  A new national epidemiology report has painted a clear picture of the unvaccinated demographic ravaged by Delta outbreaks: they've made up 90% of new infections, 84.9% hospitalizations, and 82.3% of death.
面临自身被感染之高风险的拒绝疫苗人群还给已接种疫苗接种者带来威胁,危及整个社区的安康。未接种群体为病毒的生长,传播,变异,繁衍提供了温床,他们就像一座巨大的病毒工厂,其散播的病毒将包括疫苗接种者在内的所有人置于被感染的风险中。随着德尔塔毒株不断扩散,加拿大屡次提高疫苗目标普极率指标,从70% 升至80%及90%。但由于加国疫苗接种率仍低于目标水平,在81%的接种率上徘徊不前,为此加国仍处于疫情危险期,面临新一波疫情的肆虐风险,包括导致医院人满为患以及更严厉的封城措施。
Facing soaring risks of getting infected, the unvaccinated people impose threats to those jabbed with the vaccine, causing grave danger to the community. A large number of unvaccinated people provide ample opportunities for the virus to survive, spread, mutate and multiply, acting like a potential virus factory putting everyone at risk of exposure – including those vaccinated. Canada's vaccination targets have increased repeatedly – from 70% to 80% to 90% as Delta variants' dominance grows.  But Canada has been in deep water over the lower-than-expected vaccination rate. With the current rate at 81% and the uptake barely moving, the country faces the threat of another wave of Covid devastation – leading to overwhelmed hospitals and strict lockdown measures.

Demands for the mandate vaccination surge as vaccinated people increasingly wary about the disastrous prospect. By denying the access of some services by the non-vaccinated people, the vaccine passport regime can work the best to boost the vaccine uptake, offering a strong incentive for the unvaccinated to roll up their sleeves. Vaccination rates in France and Italy have soared after the leaders adopted restrictive measures to curb the freedom of non-jabbed individuals. The vaccine bookings in Quebec have shot up after the Premier's announcement to launch the vaccine passport system.  
Many provinces in Canada are more open to the passport option or under pressure to follow the suit of Quebec. However, Ontario has been adamant that it will oppose vaccine passports or vaccine mandates. While the concerns over public health made NDP leader Horwath backtrack her earlier stance against compulsory vaccination, Premier Doug Ford has maintained his position, vowing to protect "the constitutional right" of those choosing not to be immunized.
Ford's government's decision has led to criticisms that he puts his core supporters' interest over the wellbeing of Ontarians, fueling the dissatisfaction over the government's response to the raging Delta variant outbreaks. If another round of lockdown becomes inevitable, Ford will find it difficult to enforce his stay-home order again on the once-obedient residents and that his plea to follow public health measures would meet a growing resistance from frustrated Ontarians.





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